June 2, 2011

Being Finite is Lame

It's 9:10 am.  I'm sitting here drinking my coffee, wondering why in the world I feel so anxious. 

I've been off work for almost two weeks now.  If things were going according to plan, I would be rocking life at this exact moment.  Instead I am sitting here completely overwhelmed and kind of sad. 

It's raining again out there, buckets of the stuff.  It's darkish for morning.  I can hear the rain pelting against our roof.  It's so quiet in here. 

I have so much to do.  My house has still not completely recovered from the camping bomb.  I need to reconcile quick books, pick up the mail, and do some business stuff. 

I wanted to run this morning, but running in the rain just isn't as magical to me as it used to be (and that is said with sarcasm). 

I have friends and family I'd really love to be visiting, and I hope that the last couple weeks isn't a preview of this summer, or I'll never get to just take off to be with them. 

And yes, I do realize that I just got to go camping with a bunch of friends this weekend.  But I feel like complaining, and this is MY blog, so complain I will. 

Is it too much to ask for to have infinite time for:  Being with friends and my family, taking pictures, learning to play my guitar better, painting, learning how to make stamped jewelry, working in my yard, blogging, and reading?  And is it so much to ask for the sun to just keep shining and for the darned rain to just go away? 

I don't think so.

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