February 15, 2014

Wednesday- Talum and Akumal

Wednesday- Talum and Akumal Dancing

After spending Tuesday recovering from Monday, we decided Wednesday (and our last real day in Mexico) we were going to call Fransico up and take him up on his deal to drive us to Talum to see the Mayan ruins, and then to Akumal to swim with turtles.

Fransisco was awesome.  He knew right where to take us, and he took so much travel pressure off of us.  Deana chatted him up, and found out that he himself had Mayan origins, and the Mayan language was actually his first language.

As I drifted in and out of their conversation, I watched as we passed all of the other places we had dreamed of visiting.  Swimming through caves, zip lining, going to Cozumel...  Someday I hope to go back and experience more of what Cancun has to offer.

My favorite things about the Mayan ruins in Talum were all of the giant lizards who made their home there.  That, and how green and lush everything was, and that the turquoise ocean was right at the edge.

It was very hot and humid, so we slowly ambled along, took our time and just enjoyed the experience.  If I'd been in more of an imaginative mood, I might have considered more closely what kind of civilization had once made their home there.

Mostly I just looked at lizards, took a lot of pictures, and goofed off with my friends.  It was a good day.

I actually enjoyed the market in Talum.  The merchants there were way more laid back, and they actually let me just look.  I bought some jewelery from the quietest one of all.  I just appreciated so much that he let me think without any interjection or interference.

After eating at Subway (Subway?!?) in Talum, we headed over to Akumal.  We took turns swimming with the snorkel gear (that way there was someone to watch our stuff on the beach).  Derrick and I saw a couple of turtles and sting rays before coming back in, but Deana and Rob saw a lot more.   We were glad we went.

That night we had the "last supper of Cancun", and then Derrick and I went for a little last night walk along the beach.

We eventually made our way back, and met up with Deana and Rob to do a little dancing.  Some sort of soccer conference was going on that night, and towards the end of our night dozens of young Mexican folks started streaming into the club.  Abruptly the music switched to all salsa.  All of a sudden, the random jumping and twirling (my style of dance), turned into graceful, controlled, and sexy Salsa dance.  We watched for awhile (the seed of wanting to learn salsa dancing being pressed into my brain), but eventually cried Uncle and went to bed.

With Fransciso!

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