May 26, 2011


I reconciled quickbooks all by my little ol' self today!!  No help!  And it BALANCED!!!! 

There were moments of insecurity, of course.  Moments of questioning my intelligence. 

Moments of cursing my youthful disregard of all things accounting when I was younger and in school.

I doubted.  I even got a little choked up once.

 But ultimately, I prevailed!! 

And now I am done with that.  For the day.

I have a talk tonight at meeting.  I will feel much better tonight when it is done.  But still glad to have had one.

This weekend we are going camping. We parked our camper earlier this week to ensure an awesome camping location on Memorial Day Weekend.  We parked it on TUESDAY.  I just know there are people heading up there today thinking they are being all vigilant, only to curse the campers that got there on Tuesday

It's right by the water.  It is major flooding season out there right now.  I called that I get two points if our camper gets washed away by flood water before we even get there.  If it doesn't get washed away, I have to make cookies for everyone I was giving a hard time about the campsite choice (mainly Steve). 

Seems fair to me.

We are bringing the motorcycles, so that'll be fun.  There are also supposed to be pike in the water up there.  But, in case it rains (which it's looking like it will), there are lots of games and I will be bringing my kindle.

Anyways, I doubt I will be on here blogging for the next couple days, as I will be off the grid.  Hope y'all have a good weekend:)

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