May 10, 2011

Words become Ideas become Actions

I'm reading a new book called "Today We Are Rich" by Tim Sanders (free on my Kindle!), and so far it is really good.  It reminds me a bit of "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill. In fact, Tim Sanders has used quotes from that book.  The author writes about lessons he learned from his wise ol' gramma Billye.  She believed in the power of thoughts, and was very deliberate about what she put in her brain, whether from books, tv, movies, or even friends conversations.  She was a believer in we are whatever our dominate thoughts are, and that thoughts can either hold us down or propel us forward.  I just finished reading these paragraphs (which I strongly need to apply): 

"When you sense you are about to feed your mind a bad memory, spit it out.  One way I do this is to see the negative memory as a headline on a whiteboard.  Then, with my mental eraser I wipe it off the board.  If it continues to try to present itself, I consciously say to myself, Delete, please.

We need to avoid the reintroduction of a bad memory that we've thought about before.  Often we continue to generate thoughts of regret by reliving our mistakes, and we become trapped in what Billye called the "woulda shoulda coulda" trap.  The more we chew on the painful past, the more details the subconscious coughs up, and the more it expands in our thinking.  Once we've learned a lesson from a mistake, we need to declare the details "useless memories" and discard them.  Store the insight, delete the details."

He talks about his gramma's morning routine- she'd get up early, make coffee, read her bible for fifteen minutes, then read something else inspirational, then write about her thoughts and what she'd read, then call her best friend who had a similar routine so they could discuss what they'd learned that morning.  I love her routine!  I want that!!  It sounds like what I've always wanted and yet haven't done- I blame it on my comfortable bed. Feeling very inspired to make changes.

Talking about the power of thoughts, here is an update on Kloe's dog project:  She has now saved thirty dollars.  She's been folding laundry- I found out yesterday that Derrick is paying her two dollars a basket.  We went to the library yesterday and she checked out three books about dogs, and one video (Dogs for Dummies) which we watched last night.  We've been watching every dog movie known to mankind on Netflicks.  I feel like we should all be receiving some sort of Canine degree or diploma, we have been that educated.  The little girl is focused and very committed.  This would be a good time of year to adopt of puppy; we'd have all summer for potty training and playing outside.  I've never been a dog person, but Kloe's enthusiasm is contagious and I'm excited too.

The house is a wreck- stacks of laundry still await to be folded- should have kept Kloe home from school for that! heh.  We have our C.O. visit this week, so there is more on the agenda then usual. I need to make a choice to either fold laundry and clean the house, or go running.  I'm pretty sure I know what choice will win out.  It is bee-uu-teee-ful out there.  Laundry will wait.

Two hours later... 
The laundry and dirty didn't wait.  It grabbed me as I tried to make my way from the house, and just MADE me wash and clean it.  No run today.

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