May 25, 2011

Running Talk: Litter, Bad Parking Choices, and Flower Stalking

Today while running, in the theme of pretending to be elsewhere, I imagined I was in Mexico.

Some of the key things I remember from my Mexico times are warm breezes, ocean air, and the trash piled up for miles along the road.  I actually did experience two out of those three things today.  One of those things I did not enjoy.  At.  All.

Most of the time I just try to ignore the litter, but some times it just makes me SO MAD.  Ugh.  I hate terms like "trashy people", but maybe some people have earned the title with their joyrides at 2:30 in the morning where they fling beer cans, bottles filled with chewing tobacco, and fast food bags indiscriminately out their car windows and into ditches.

Pieces of litter feel like little brain bombs just waiting for me to see them. They burst into my happy little bubble of jogging and appreciation of nature.  I have to fight dwelling on them, because they drag me down.  It's hard to keep running when I feel angry and depressed about other people's selfish choices.  Just as in life, I have to look back up, forget about the trash, and move forward.

While I'm going down this negative road filled with memories of road trash, I think I will mention one more unpleasantry I've encountered out there:  Random cars that drive past me and then park right along where I will have to run past. 

I'm not talking about people in residential areas who are pulling into their driveways.  I'm talking about a dirt road that goes for miles, where you have the choice to park anywhere along those miles but you still choose to park directly in my path.

I don't care if you are an eighty year old woman who is making the choice to pull up and park right in my running path; it creeps me out!  I don't know that you are an eighty year old woman; all I know is that there is a car that may or may not represent danger to me. 

Obviously these people don't realize I am packing a very dangerous and loaded can of pepper spray which I HAVE PRACTICED using.  It sprays a full eight feet, Buster, and I'm not afraid to use it.

Speaking of creepy, how weird (or criminal) would it be for me to start meandering into people's yards to take snapshots of their flowers?  There are a lot flowers I'd love to shoot when I'm out jogging by houses. And I don't mean little blackberry camera shots; I'm thinking of bringing back the big camera that I wish I was tough enough to carry while I run.

Anyway, I'd probably only give flower stalking a 4/10 rating of creepiness..

Random Things I Saw While Running Today
Baby Cows!

Lots of Dead Things!

Flowers and Mountains!

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