December 21, 2006

Mom's Port

Mom got her port today. It looks like little stethoscope with a thin tube (it's about 6 inches long) hanging off of it. It went under her skin, right under her collarbone(so she will just have a little bump under her skin, nothing is exposed), and the tube went into the artery that runs into her heart. She has little veins that they can hardly get an IV in (they usually have to poke and prod about 4 or 5 times before they have any success), so the port will save her having to be poked so much. Every Wednesday now, they will just have to poke into the port with a chemo IV drip (and they numb that area with cream first so it won't hurt too much). The chemo itself is not supposed to have side effects (they can treat any effect that does appear). So she won't lose her hair, and she won't have nausea. She sailed through the port procedure. She looks great. So, the next move is the first treatment of chemo, which starts next Wednesday.

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