December 1, 2006

Kitty Evolutions at Midnight

It is currently 12:03 am, and my body (or mind, not sure which one) hates me and is refusing to let me sleep, yet again. I was lodged in bed between Derrick and Gary when I realized Gary and I had been having a silent staredown for quite some time and it was getting a little ridiculous for me to just lay there and be angry about not sleeping. Gary was thrilled when I got up because apparantly his gazing eyes had been trying (quite successfully) to send his mind signals into my brain that he needed to go outside to do his business.

While I was laying there staring at my kitty, I started to think about how he is not half as irritating as he used to be. When we first got him (about 14 months ago) he loved to jump on the bed in the middle of the night, come right up to my face, and sneeze. He hardly ever does that anymore. So seldom does it happen that I have lost my gunshy flinch when I hear little kitty feet padding near my face. He also doesn't wander aimlessly at night, complaining loudly about his general unhappiness in life. Many nights spent in a cold garage have taught him to repress his emotions, just like the rest of us. Really he is pretty patient too, especially with the kids who haul him around all day like their hairy love child. Someday I am going to have to show Kloe the joy of dressing him in baby clothes. It was one of my favorite things to do as a kid, and it will be especially funny with Gary. He is like a grumpy but tolerant old man who always gets an "oh crap" look on his face when the kids come alookin for him. I can just imagine his anxiety when the little onsies and jammies with holes cut out for the tail come at him... heheh...

Well, I had hoped I'd beable to prattle on for awhile longer until sleep overtook me, but I'm afraid that my mind IS tired, just not willing to sleep. Hope for me, my friends... hope for sweet sweet sleep to knock my brains out!

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