April 29, 2011


Didn't sleep very well last night.  Had dreams of standing outside our neighborhood, watching giant rolling pins and bombs get dropped out of even gianter planes.  Saw a lot of houses get squished like bread dough, and others get blown to smithereens.

Really shouldn't have watched all of that tornado footage right before bed.

Not a lot to report this morning.  I hear that there was a royal wedding earlier today?  I wasn't invited, and I don't watch a lot of television, because I resent having THAT kind of stuff shoved into my head.

Gonna be a quiet weekend.  It's gray outside, gray as far as the eye can see.  It was blizzarding last night, then the sun came out for about 3 minutes, then it was night.  I can NOT believe it is almost May.  It doesn't feel right to complain about our crappy weather though- at least we haven't been dealing with hundreds of tornadoes, tsunamis and nuclear plants going wrong, or any of the other craziness going on in the world.  It is depressing, and gray feels smothering, but it won't actually get you like those other things can.

K, time to throw on the running shoes and dive into the gray.

April 27, 2011

Hair and Brains

I'm sitting here, playing with features blogger offers, while Derrick watches yet another episode of 'The Twilight Zone'.  Good ol' Netflicks, bringing out our inner geeks. 

Today was the last day of the Quickbooks class I have been taking.  It wasn't too long into the first day that I realized that it isn't the actual program I have a problem with. I don't admit this to everyone because it is just so wrong and laughable, but I actually went to school for computer programming back in the days when I thought the left side of my brain would eventually fill out, plump up, and become fully developed and engaged.  I've accepted now that I will always have a lop-sided brain.  That's okay- I can stuff that side of my head and fake everyone out most of the time.  I did learn enough in school to understand the basic workings of most programming (hey, I even got pretty good grades).  Quickbooks is easy.  It's the accounting part that I don't understand.  I can, however, do data entry like nobody's business, so maybe I will be able to flub my way through and just keep a notebook handy for the hundreds of questions I'm sure I will have.

I had the worst hair day EVER today.  Derrick just told me I look crazy:/  Now he's saying I can't write that down.  Now he's shaking his head because I'm gonna keep on going until the antagonism stops.  STOPS I say!!!  It is bad.  I'm trying to grow out those rotten bangs I thought would be such a great idea last January.  What was I thinking?!?  It had been just enough years for me to forget the agony of growing out bangs.  I washed my hair last night and put it in braids, thinking it would save me time this morning if I could just unbraid my hair and have it be wavy.  I do it to Kloe's hair all the time, and it looks cute.  It just didn't work for me.  The back was long and frizzy and the front was straight and trying to get in my eyes all day. I also had to wear my glasses cuz I've been out of contacts forever. It was a sit in the back of the class, and buy contacts immediately after class day.  Still have the crazy hair though (for now).

Tomorrow and Friday I am working a little later than usual.  Hopefully I'll be able to arrange going in later in the morning so I can run.  Now that the weather has been slightly nicer on a regular basis, I'm really trying to make it out there more.  I'd like to do the Mountain to Meadow 1/2 marathon again this June.  It almost May- time to start going for more miles. 

April 26, 2011

Beautiful Day

We went to Polson last Saturday and spent the day (and that night) with friends. We didn't have a tribal fishing license (everyone else was fishing), so we walked along the shore instead and shot some pictures (my actual preference really). No pictures of that night, but we played games until about 1:30 in the morning. I've never been a poker player, but I am a convert!!! So fun:) All in all, the weekend was beautiful.

Derrick scared the ducks for me:)

Mission Mountain Range


Other Parents and their youngins'

April 25, 2011

Birds of Paradise

I was obsessed with birds when I was a kid.  Really obsessed.  For a very long time it hurt me at a very deep level that I wasn't a Disney princess. If I were, I could sing, spread my arms wide and be covered from head to toe with feathery admirers.  But I could not tempt them to me with my voice or charm, so I started to hunt for the young, weak and distracted of their kind to catch.

I was seven years old the first time I captured a bird.  It was the day my niece Steph was born, and since Mom was in Missoula to be with Renae,  I was left home under the supervision of my father.  He didn't mind me "wandering" around town by myself like Mom did, and that meant a wonderful opportunity to hunt down birds.

If you've ever tried to sneak up on a bird, any healthy bird, you know just how hard it is to do.  They are VERY aware of anything moving their direction with entrapment in mind.  I've watched my cats attempt it throughout the years. Even when they move super slow crouched as low to the ground with sudden spring attack maneuvering, cats still miss most of the time.   A seven year old human girl trying to make a sneak attack on a bird has little to no chance.  I still was not dissuaded from trying, however.

I remember seeing a big black crow in the church yard kitty corner to our house.  He looked so soft and shiny and I wanted to TOUCH him.  And love him.  And name him.  And find out if he was a bird I could teach to talk.  I did my usual nonchalant walk towards him, hoping he'd think I didn't even see him there.  I'm pretty sure a hunting seven year old feigning disinterest had to have the total opposite effect to anyone with a brain, even a bird brain.  Even though I had used this ingenious trap of disinterest many times though out the years with no success, it was still usually the first thing I would pull out of my bird catching repertoire. The only other "trick" up my sleeve was full on charge as fast as I could, hoping just this once I would be faster than the bird.  Neither charging or sneaking had really paid off anyway, but at least the birds seemed to stick around a little longer with the whole sneaking process.

Something was wrong with the bird.  For some reason he didn't flutter a feather as I walked passed him feigning disinterest.  So I made another pass by him, only a little closer.  No response.  Discarding disinterest, I did what I really wanted to do, which was rush over and touch him.  He regarded me with his little birdy eye, but didn't move.  That's when I decided I was a new pet owner.  I scooped him up and took him home, found an old box, put a blanket in the bottom and walla!:  A new bird habitat, created just like that.

I can't remember what I named my little bird, but I do know he received buckets of love those first few hours.  I wrapped him up in his little blanket, and he became my little bird baby.  After a couple hours, it was time to come inside to eat lunch, so I put the bird in his box, closed the top and went inside to eat.  When I came back out, he had escaped!  I totally hadn't expected that, as he'd been nearly comatose the whole time I'd been loving him.  In retrospect I suspect maybe an older brother or father of mine had tried to help the little guy out, but I have no proof of that.  Anyway, as soon as I found my pet had somehow escaped, it was my top priority to find him.

I had a strong suspicion that I needed to return to where I had found him in the first place.  I sleuthed through the church yard, looked through the tall trees.  I opened up the outhouse and looked inside.  I looked under the porch.  I walked up and down the streets, looking into neighbor's yard, hoping to see a very still black bird.  Completely dejected, I made my way home, no bird in hand.  As I walked into I yard, I saw some movement over by our garage.  There he was!  Only, to my dismay, there was an awareness to those eyes that hadn't been there before. 

I slowly moved toward him, recognizing from years of experience that look of mistrust that precedes flight.  He didn't fly away though.  Instead he seemed to be backing away slowly, as if he understood any sudden moves on his part would provoke my charging him.  I started moving slightly faster, and he sped up as well, locked in a terrible dance with a human girl whose love was bound to kill him.  Finally unable to hold back, I sprang forward and tried to grab him.  He took off at full speed, running out of our yard, across the road, with me hot on his tail.  It was close!!!  Closer than any chase I'd ever had with a bird!  Fortunately for him (and sadly for me) he manged to dive under the outhouse building.  It was probably the one place I wouldn't have pursued him.  I waited for him to come out until it started to get too dark, and then I went home, defeated.

That wasn't the only time I tried to make a pet out of a wild bird.  There were lots of baby birds I tried to save, found on the road, either blown out of their nests or kicked out prematurely by their parents.  Lots of midnight feedings of squished worms and bread.  I would keep them alive for a long time.  One of my birds even grew all of his feathers and seemed to be doing fine before he died.  They all eventually would die.  My parents always tried to warn me- wild animals just don't do well in captivity.  I gave up on trying to save baby birds, it was just to sad to lose them.

Then one day someone told me that it is possible to teach a magpie to talk.  That idea stuck in my head.  I pondered on it, mulled it over.  My secret wish had always been to have a parrot that could talk, but the chances of ever being able to buy a parrot were slim to none.  But a magpie?  Well, magpies are FREE, thousands of them, free for the taking.  But there was that little 'hard to catch a bird' problem that I had been struggling with for YEARS.  Then I had a really brilliant idea:  I would follow some parent magpies back to their nest, find one with eggs or babies, let the parents do all the hard work of actually raising the babies, and then I would swoop in at the last minute and birdnap me a new, might-talk-someday bird. 

I was probably around 9 by that time, and I'd had free run of Paradise for awhile.  I spent most of my time exploring the mountains, the river banks, walking pretty much where ever I wanted to.  It didn't take me too long to track down a magpie nest.  Everyday after school, I'd walk down a dirt road that went to a place we called 'Oliver's Pond', and about half way to the pond I'd cut into the thick bushes and climb the small prickly tree my baby bird was being raised in.  I'd peek in on the babies, see how big they were getting, and leave without touching anything.  I didn't want to spook their parents, after all.  I did that for weeks

Unfortunately, I seemed to get strep throat at least once or twice a year in those days, and this happened to be one of those times.  The babies were already getting pretty big when I got sick, and I was in bed for at least a week.  The minute I got out of school after finally going back, I was racing down that dirt road to check on my bird.  And you guessed it, the babies were all gone.  All that stalking, all of my plans, down the the drain.  I was heartbroke.  I gave up on my dream of having a talking magpie. 

I still loved birds though.  It seemed like every summer we'd have at least a couple of robins would run into our kitchen window and knock themselves koo-koo.  They were always fairly easy to catch if the crash didn't do them in.  My dad told me that they'd been eating fermented raspberries, and that's why they crashed into our windows.

I had to find these berries!  I imagined magical berries bushes with flocks of intoxicated birds, ripe for catching.  I looked up and down the alley ways of Paradise, and eventually found some bushes in an alley not too far from my grandpa's house.  I ate a lot of the berries myself, and they tasted fine.  It wasn't quite late enough into the summer for a lot of the berries to have fermented.  Still, I checked on those bushes fairly frequently after that.  I never did find the flocks I'd been hoping for, but I would find a drunk little robin once in awhile who'd be easy to catch.  After I realised that I would always have another opportunity to catch a bird and hold it as long as I knew where an over-ripe raspberry bush was, I didn't feel quite so frantic about keeping a wild bird for a pet.  I became a 'catch and release for all things wild' believer.

Eventually, my brother and I saved enough money up to buy a really nice bird cage, and two zebra finches. We loved those (tame!) birds.  I would clip their wings (yeah, I know it sounds just wrong for a 10 year old to do that, but I was very careful and it was VERY effective at keeping them from flying away from me), and hold them for hours.  We had a male and a female, so we bought them a nest and then we had lots of baby birds.  I'd clip all of their wings too, and hold them all.  We even donated two of the birds to our school, and we'd hold them during class.  Eventually we had a LOT of birds, so we started selling them to pet stores for a small profit.

I still love birds, but I have a big fat cat who would love nothing more than for me to pick him up a feathery snack.  I also  have little girl running around here these days who talks non-stop about dogs.  I see a very kindred spirit in that girl; she WILL get a dog.  One thing that life has taught me over and over, even with something as small as being a creepy bird stalker, is that if you want something bad enough, think about it enough, and talk about it enough, eventually you will get it. 

April 23, 2011


We (Dad, Renae, Danny and myself) chose a headstone yesterday.  I'm glad we waited six months to do it, it would have been much harder if we'd attempted to right away.  Renae and I have been looking online for the last couple of weeks, trying to find something we liked.  We thought we'd go somewhere local instead, and I'm glad we did.  It had to have been a little weird for Dad, as he decided to get a companion stone with his name on it as well.  I think it's going to be nice though. 

My Mom wanted to be buried in Paradise by my brother.  His headstone has a mountain scene with an elk and a fish jumping out of a stream (Daryn loved nature and hunting).  The one we designed for Mom and Dad has a similiar mountain scene.  Mom's side will also have a spray of roses and a humingbird (some of her favorite things) and Dad's side will have a guitar leaning up against a tree.  The people we are getting it from are going to email us the design in about a week so we can make any changes if we need to. 

We went to Costco after that and had Dad's hearing checked.  He's been having a hard time for awhile with higher pitched noises (like my voice:/).  They tested him and then let him walk around the store with a pair of trial hearing aids.  It was awesome!!!  He could actually hear us easily for the first time in years.  I wish he could have just walked out with the trial pair, but between trying to schedule for a fitting and ordering his new pair in, it's going to be about a week and a half before he gets them.  Very happy that he will be able to hear again though:)

Derrick and I are going to Polson today while the kiddies go to their Gramma and Grampa's.  We have some friends who have a batch of motel rooms they need to use (?very unclear on details- Derrick did all the arranging).  I'm not even really sure who all is going, except the couple who invited us, Hauns and Susan.  They are really sweet though, should be a nice time.

And now on to very important things, like drinking coffee and finishing the laundry. 

April 20, 2011


Some of the noise has cleared from my mind.  It really does help to write feelings, and reasons about feelings down.  I like to write them down and read them the next day to see if everything I wrote still feels true to me.  I like to read it again six months later to see if, after time has passed and I don't remember exactly what I was thinking or feeling, the words still ring true.  I like to read old stuff I've written (from a couple years ago) because I don't always remember even writing some things at all- it's fun to read old stuff as if a stranger had wrote it and then think 'do I like the person that wrote that and would I choose to hang out with that person'.  It's kind of an esteem booster (or a dose or reality) based on whatever the answer is to that question. 

I realize that my thoughts shape my reality.  Sometimes you have to acknowledge some of the darker thoughts and feelings.  And then you have to let them go again.  If you don't let go, you're allowing someone else to still control your reality, even when they aren't part of it anymore.

It always comes back to the whole 'Look to the sun and the shadows will fall behind you'.  Time to finish taking care of old business, put it in the safe, and close the door again.  There is way too much good to allow myself to block it with the bad.

April 19, 2011

"Paradise" Past

Paradise Past

"Many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices."~William James

"It isn't what they say about you, it's what they whisper."~Errol Flynn

“Some people brighten a room by entering it; others, by leaving it.” Lynn Rios

Part of why I feel so verbally congested is that there is so much I'd love to scream out to the world, to just blast it out there, and yet to put it out there is to open myself up to another world of hurt. I am beyond frustrated with a world that is willing to judge me based on preconceptions rather than looking deeper into a history that should scream to truth to everyone.

I've heard comments made about how sad it is that people are so quick to criticize others with addiction problems. I have a very big problem when people say things like that. The people I know who may "criticize" someone with an addiction, are very rarely "quick" to do so. Most the time if you have had someone with an addiction in your life, you have fought for that person for YEARS. You have been through their ups, praying that they can hold it together this time, only to come crashing down with them. You have begged for them to make different choices, you have tried to love them through it, to believe in them and hold their hand. You have lent them money, you have let them live with you, talked your own employer to give them a chance only to later feel completely used and embarrassed. You have watched them lie to your parents over and over, saying anything to get more money out of them even when your parents are on a fixed income and barely able to make it anyways. You have watched your mother worry for years, the stress making her sick. And then you get to watch the person with the addiction sit back and blame everyone else for how crappy his life is. It is now YOUR fault, because you had the audacity to finally say enough is enough.


A lifetime of these people with addictions and zero personal responsibility causing myself and all the people I love pain, destroying themselves and anyone near them, and yes, I am done. I don't care if people think I am self-righteous and judgemental. If anyone is more interested in listening to the addicted person's 'wha wha' story instead of looking at the trail of destruction BLAZING behind that person, then I don't need that person in my life either.

Just know this: The people who came before you in the addict's life DID care. They did all they could to save the person you think you will be able to save with your love. But the problem was never that there wasn't enough love in the addicted ones life, it was that he loved his addiction more than he loved the people who loved him.

The truth is, I have had to make choices in my own life about addictions too. I could have chose to self-medicate my life away. I could have decided to live a life completely against everything my parents ever told me was important and true. I could have done things that made my mom cry and then drank until I didn't feel guilty about it anymore. And it did take me awhile to point my finger at myself and make the changes I needed to make to not let that poison infect my life like I'd seen it infect others.

Life is nothing but a string of choices.

Well, then addiction is a disease, right? No one chooses to get a disease. No one chooses to get diabetes either. But what about the choice to sit there and eat sugar until you die? You have to choose to live. You choose to not eat the sugar. And at least the sugar doesn't make you use and hurt everyone in your life so much that eventually there is nothing left.

This world believes in something called "tough love". I've been part of a family with issues of alcoholism for so long, words like "co-dependency" and "enabling" are completely understood. The only thing that ever protected my family from the the pull of enabling our addicted members was being part of an organization that practiced tough love when it got to the point where the addiction was so out there (DUI's in the newspaper, outlandish behavior) that it had to be addressed. Even then, help was extended first. Help has always been extended, from friends, family, all hands reached out with help. But what do you do when the addiction means more than all the love and help in the world? You protect yourself. Finally, you protect yourself.

When the addicted goes off and starts another life with a new host to feed the addiction, but keeps the addiction, do you quit protecting yourself? No. A lifetime of experience says NO. As long as the addiction is active, it's like poison just waiting to infect you and your life.

I am angry. I am hurt that people who should have the brains to ask me really important questions, haven't. People should be able to look at my sister and I, and see how much we love our parents, and that we have always and will always do anything we can to help them. We respect them. We cared for Mom all through her darkest years, and we fought for her with every single ounce of love we carry for her in our hearts. She was our best friend, a huge and essential part of our lives. Everything that ever hurt her, hurt us too.

Sometimes I think it may have hurt us more- it's a hard thing to watch someone you love get hurt repeatedly by the same person or people. It builds up in a person. To see a person you love hurt, and disrespected is almost unbearable, but when you have addicts hanging around, you get to experience it over and over. I am unwilling and unable to act as if there is no damage and that what has happened never really happened.

I am done.


Ugh.  I am so flat emotionally right now.  It makes it really hard to write about anything.  It makes it hard to do anything, actually.  It's kinda nice out there, the kind of morning I should be excited about a good run.  Instead I am filled with an abundance of 'meh'. 

I was thinking about the friends and family I haven't connected with for a long time.  I didn't mean to, but somewhere along the way I withdrew again.

Wow, really having a hard time stringing sentences together.  Obviously the 'ol brain's not firing so well today.  Writing exposes how well the brain is doing just like running exposes how well the body is doing.  In my case, both seem to be having issues.

And that's all I gots today.

April 18, 2011

6 Months

It's been six months today since Mom died.  It still doesn't feel real, and I guess it probably won't ever feel real.  I can still hear her voice in my head.  The way she bickered with Steph about all the things they squabbled over (and that voice makes me smile as I type this), and the way she would say "BiiiIIiiiLLL" at my dad to get his attention (also makes me smile).  I can feel exactly what it was like to hug her, how she smelled, what it felt like when she kissed me on the cheek and told me she loved me.  Man, I miss her.

April 15, 2011

What exactly IS everything a dog needs?

Yesterday Kloe came bounding in to my to announce, "Daddy said I can get a DOG!!!"

Hmmm.  Didn't seem like something he would say.  So I said nothing, and let her keep talking.

"He said that if I save up all my money to get everything that a dog needs, I can get a dog!!!  So I'm going to save all my money, and buy a bunch of dog food, a collar, toys..."

Fifteen minutes later, we are in the car on our way to meeting and she is still talking,"...do you like dalmatians, Momma?  "Cuz I like dalmatians.  Or what kind of puppy did Brandon and Lyndsay get, the one they named Zea? (doberman) I like that kind of dog too, except I don't like the bandages on their ears....."

Ten minutes later, a lot of dog talk in between...

"....I like retrievers too!  Do you like retrievers Momma?  I'd like a brown retriever, but yellow and golden ones are good too...."

Two hours later we are in the car again.  And again the subject was.... yep.

This morning  she comes running into my bedroom to ask for two more cents because that would make her have six whole dollars in her dog fund.

As soon as she got home for school she told me about all of the names she'd been thinking about for her dog, about how that was all she thought about ALL day (Except for during math.  She made sure she paid attention to math.) Then she asked if we could go to the store so she could buy her first bag of dog food with her six dollars to start gathering the aforementioned "everything that a dog needs" requirement to actually get the dog.

I'd say her heart is set on this in a very big way.  I have deliberately kept myself out of the equation, choosing instead the supportive role of "dream listener" which is no small task when the one you are listening to is an eight year old who is capable of talking enthusiastically  non-stop for hours at amazing speeds.  I was not in on the original conversation. 

So, I guess that I'm going to have to say to be continued....

April 9, 2011


Soooo.  I am sitting here, all by my lonesome.  Everyone else is at a wedding reception, friends and family alike.  I'm feeling a little bad about not going.  I didn't feel like it... I know *LAME*

I am so introverted sometimes.  It goes beyond introversion actually.  Sometimes the thought of being around large groups of people is SO overwhelming to me.  I very seldom actually look forward to going to a party. Even when I will know a lot of people at a party (like tonight), I still don't ever really just *want* to go. 

The funny thing is that I did get ready to go to it.  I put on a cute dress, I curled my hair and did my make up with more than the usual care...  I was completely ready to go.  Then as we got closer to the kingdom hall, I just *did not* want to go in.  There were so many cars- I knew it was going to be packed in there.  So, instead Derrick and I messed around in town for a little while, and then went home.  We were planning on going to the reception, but then I didn't go to that either.  Derrick went- I just stayed home by myself.  A lot of times I will go if it's the only way that the kids will get to go, but they were able to have fun without my presence today.


On the bright side, I did get most of my laundry done.  My house is super clean.  I got to eat ice cream, watermelon and pop corn for dinner, since I was the only one here.  I watched a new documentary about the wealthy in America. 

Oh well.  Someday I might develop the coolness it takes to go to parties.

April 7, 2011


Nothing really profound to say today, not that profoundity is something I find flying from my fingertips to this keyboard very often.  It's just a rare quiet moment here, and if I'm not careful I'm gonna ruin it by getting up and cleaning something, like the kitchen.  Yuk!

It's been a nice week.  The kids both were able to have a sleepover with friends, and that's a winning situation for all.  Happy kids = Happy parents, and visa versa. 

As for Derrick and myself, we used the reduced kid situation to accomplish something we've been meaning to for a long time.  We finally went out and got all of the things needed for an emergency preparedness kit.  Not sure exactly what a local "emergency" would look like here. Maybe Yellowstone blowing up, but not enough to completely smother us in ashes? Maybe Canada deciding to invade us?  Whatever it is, if living though a situation involves duct tape, plastic for windows, a hatchet and a lot of gauze, we will be survivors. 

I was a little uncomfortable going through the check out with all of our gear.  It was kind of like that game where you try to choose five things to purchase at once to really freak out your cashier, only it was more like fifty things.  :)  I do feel a little more prepared though. 

Beside all of that, not a lot going on.  No big plans for the weekend, except for service and a whole lot of cleaning the house and doing laundry.  Not a lot has happened in my AHE situation with Derrick this week.  I completely froze up on Monday, afraid to make any sudden moves around the office computer lest I somehow bring the whole thing crashing down around our shoulders.  I'm officially signed up for Quickbook classes now.  And to anyone out there secretly muttering "Quickbooks isn't THAT hard" well, I'm telling you to keep that stuff to YOURSELF.   Keep your stinkin', smarty pants opinion outta my ears, because I will want to completely knock the papers off of your desk if I hear that coming from you. Anyways, the kids go back to school on Monday, and I'll be ready to get back on that horse then (I hope).

April 5, 2011

These Kids of Mine

Kloe as "Queen Ester" at a going away party we had:)

Derrin was David's best friend and King Saul's son "Jonathan"

Darby and Kloe and Anikan- The Three Princesses:-D

The Kiddies spendin' the day together

"This is so demoralizing. 
I HATE being a cat."
Kloe's"Clean" bedroom with new "Accessories":)

A tea party

Went for a walk this morning- beautiful and windy.

Still snow in those mountains- just hoping it doesn't come down further.

Spring Flowers

April 4, 2011

In Tangles

Once upon a time there was a wife (we'll call her... Ann) and a husband (we'll call him Dan). They had a couple of children, one of whom was a boy named FrickoSan (he's not a big part of this particular story, as his hair is short and manageable... but now that I think about it, the time his parents spent on his sister's hair really did take away time spent with him) and a little girl (and her name.... Jan) who had beautiful long hair. Ann's mother (um.... Fran?) was the one who cared for Jan's hair, daily combing it and making long, manageable braids out of it. For years the girl's hair grew longer and longer, but thankfully Gramma Fran was there to keep it in order. Her momma Ann knew some of the basics- she knew how to run a brush through it now and again.  Mostly Ann just kept it from becoming a huge snarl; Gramma Fran was the true hair management.

One day, Gramma Fran decided that she was going to open a hair salon of her own, and she no longer had the time it took to untangled and manage Jan's super long hair. Ann thought that would be fine, because she knew the basics of brushing hair. For months, Ann would pull her brush through that long hair, but she had a lot of other things going on in her life that needed managing too.  Poor Jan's hair became more and more tangled, until finally it was just a giant knot on her head. The hair was too long to manage without the skilled hands of her Gramma, and Ann just didn't have the time to keep it under control.

Things started looking bleaker and bleaker. Ann didn't know what she was going to do about her daughter's hair. It had such potential for being beautiful, but it had gotten so tangled that it was going to take forever to get brushed out and in order again. Ann was torn between longing to have it brushed out (but by whom?) or just shaving it all off... but was shaving her daughter bald really the answer?

Her husband Dan would listen to her worry at night about what a mess the girl's hair had gotten in to. Dan wasn't too worried. He'd seen his wife brush the girl's hair many times throughout the years, and she always seemed to eventually get all of the tangles out. But one day he looked at his daughter and actually understood what his wife had been saying- if things got much worse, his poor daughter would definitely need to have her once beautiful hair shorn off.

Dan had never once brushed his daughter's hair, but he wanted to help. He didn't really think through this situation before he decided he was definitely the one who should save the day. If he would have made a list of some reasons why he was not qualified to be the hero of the situation, it would have looked something like:

  •  Hadn't even brushed his own hair in years, ever since Ann decided she was better at it and would do it for him.
  • Had only ever watched styling of Jan's hair from a safe hazy distance, never actually attempting to do any brushing or styling of it himself. 
Dan wasn't one to really sit down and think through a situation like that though, so he didn't. Plus, Dan really liked to impress his wife with his versatility and usefulness. They would save the day together. Or so he thought.

Gramma Fran came for a day to give Dan a crash course in french braidery, coiffery, bunnery, de-tanglery, deep conditionery, transfering braided sections from one side of her head to the other, and she also showed him where she stored all of the many styling aids needed for care of such long hair. It took the whole day, but when Gramma Fran left, Jan's hair looked beautiful.  Dan felt confident that he had the situation firm in hand. 

Later that night, Ann called for Dan to ask him about some new tangles that had just formed in little Jan's hair.  Dan was baffled- how could there already be tangles?  But he didn't worry too much; he was practically a professional after the time Gramma Fran had spent teaching him her hair moves. Plus it was the weekend, and a few tangles could certainly wait until Monday, so he didn't think much more about it for the next couple of days.

That Monday he grabbed his brush and really looked at Jan's hair closely for the first time in two days.  The mass of snarls looked almost as bad as it had before Gramma Fran had done her magic to it.  He gingerly tried to run his brush through it, but it seemed as though he was making it even worse. 

Dan's heart began to race, and a thought suddenly became very clear to him:  I don't know what I am doing!  What have I gotten myself into???

 ~The End~

April 2, 2011


Well, I thought I would be all clever and post some actual voice notes I left for myself while I was out on my walk/run late yesterday.  I swear the endorphins are like funny juice to me, because I start to crack myself UP. 

I was out about two miles when I left the first voice message on my blackberry, just in case I might forget some hilarious stuff I needed to write down. I was walking straight uphill in my new favorite residential area (uphill for MILES), when I realized the reason I'd been uncomfortable for the last two miles was because my black stretchy walking pants were on backwards.  The thought of walking/running the next four miles in backwards pants (talk about a permanent wedgie) had me laughing at loud.  The thought of knocking on any of the random doors along the way to use a bathroom for the sole purpose of turning my pants around had me in stitches.  It just seem to lose something in translation when you write it down in black and white though, So...This is the recording of me cracking MaSelf up..:)

There was also something recorded about a 35 year old white woman from Paradise walking/running to Coolio's Gangsta Paradise, but hey, no one can say what it was like growing up in that Paradise Jungle like Coolio did.

I usually can doing some really good over thinking because, hey, being alone for an hour and a half without any of the normal distractions will cause most people to over-reflect.  I started feeling all guilty about the last couple blogs I wrote, because it occurred to me that they may not have been showing very much support to Derrick or maybe they were showing something less-than-enthusiasm about my new job as AHE.  Fortunately, my blackberry not only allows for voice recordings to capture the pure gold that is my thought process while under a running high, but it also lets me send out guilty text messages to resolve any fretting I might stir up while out there.  Derrick sent me back some reassuring texts (didn't even need any hail Mary's or any other confessional payments) and off I went on my happy way.

April 1, 2011


So... I'm officially going to be working as book-keeper and Awesome-Helper-Extraordinaire(or AHE- I think I will keep that as my official title) for Derrick's business.  My new position started yesterday, and so far we've managed to handle some interesting tax issues AND all of the balances in Quickbooks are up to date (with Kathrine's help).  I will be taking some Quickbook classes SOON.  Numbers are not my thing exactly, but I did feel a rush of accomplishment when everything finally balanced. 

My new schedule is going to be working as AHE in the morning after the kids go to school, and then on to my other job.  Since I've always used morning for running, and I will for sure deteriorate into a steaming pile of wimpy moo without running, I'm going to have to man-up and run in the evenings.  I have to have faith that even though running in the evenings is really hard for me, I will still make myself do it... 

So, it is what it is.  Change is inevitable.  It always comes down to that, doesn't it?  Oh-well, enough change, and you quit fighting it so hard and learn to roll with the punches.

Brain Talk

I need to reawaken the left side of my brain.  My life is SO non-responsive to any right-brainy-ness. Abstract and artsy thinking is USELESS when it comes to balancing numbers in quickbooks.  The thought of making sales calls makes my little introverted self shrink and quiver in apprehension. 

If I can't pull this brain out of my head and replace it with one that fits the tasks I have at hand, I'm at least going to have to construct some new masks to wear- maybe I can trick myself and everyone else into thinking I know what in the world I'm doing. 

Obviously my right brain is having issues with this new dictate, as instead of making phone calls and messing with numbers, I am blogging.  Time to shut 'er down for now....