April 7, 2011


Nothing really profound to say today, not that profoundity is something I find flying from my fingertips to this keyboard very often.  It's just a rare quiet moment here, and if I'm not careful I'm gonna ruin it by getting up and cleaning something, like the kitchen.  Yuk!

It's been a nice week.  The kids both were able to have a sleepover with friends, and that's a winning situation for all.  Happy kids = Happy parents, and visa versa. 

As for Derrick and myself, we used the reduced kid situation to accomplish something we've been meaning to for a long time.  We finally went out and got all of the things needed for an emergency preparedness kit.  Not sure exactly what a local "emergency" would look like here. Maybe Yellowstone blowing up, but not enough to completely smother us in ashes? Maybe Canada deciding to invade us?  Whatever it is, if living though a situation involves duct tape, plastic for windows, a hatchet and a lot of gauze, we will be survivors. 

I was a little uncomfortable going through the check out with all of our gear.  It was kind of like that game where you try to choose five things to purchase at once to really freak out your cashier, only it was more like fifty things.  :)  I do feel a little more prepared though. 

Beside all of that, not a lot going on.  No big plans for the weekend, except for service and a whole lot of cleaning the house and doing laundry.  Not a lot has happened in my AHE situation with Derrick this week.  I completely froze up on Monday, afraid to make any sudden moves around the office computer lest I somehow bring the whole thing crashing down around our shoulders.  I'm officially signed up for Quickbook classes now.  And to anyone out there secretly muttering "Quickbooks isn't THAT hard" well, I'm telling you to keep that stuff to YOURSELF.   Keep your stinkin', smarty pants opinion outta my ears, because I will want to completely knock the papers off of your desk if I hear that coming from you. Anyways, the kids go back to school on Monday, and I'll be ready to get back on that horse then (I hope).

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