April 29, 2011


Didn't sleep very well last night.  Had dreams of standing outside our neighborhood, watching giant rolling pins and bombs get dropped out of even gianter planes.  Saw a lot of houses get squished like bread dough, and others get blown to smithereens.

Really shouldn't have watched all of that tornado footage right before bed.

Not a lot to report this morning.  I hear that there was a royal wedding earlier today?  I wasn't invited, and I don't watch a lot of television, because I resent having THAT kind of stuff shoved into my head.

Gonna be a quiet weekend.  It's gray outside, gray as far as the eye can see.  It was blizzarding last night, then the sun came out for about 3 minutes, then it was night.  I can NOT believe it is almost May.  It doesn't feel right to complain about our crappy weather though- at least we haven't been dealing with hundreds of tornadoes, tsunamis and nuclear plants going wrong, or any of the other craziness going on in the world.  It is depressing, and gray feels smothering, but it won't actually get you like those other things can.

K, time to throw on the running shoes and dive into the gray.

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