April 27, 2011

Hair and Brains

I'm sitting here, playing with features blogger offers, while Derrick watches yet another episode of 'The Twilight Zone'.  Good ol' Netflicks, bringing out our inner geeks. 

Today was the last day of the Quickbooks class I have been taking.  It wasn't too long into the first day that I realized that it isn't the actual program I have a problem with. I don't admit this to everyone because it is just so wrong and laughable, but I actually went to school for computer programming back in the days when I thought the left side of my brain would eventually fill out, plump up, and become fully developed and engaged.  I've accepted now that I will always have a lop-sided brain.  That's okay- I can stuff that side of my head and fake everyone out most of the time.  I did learn enough in school to understand the basic workings of most programming (hey, I even got pretty good grades).  Quickbooks is easy.  It's the accounting part that I don't understand.  I can, however, do data entry like nobody's business, so maybe I will be able to flub my way through and just keep a notebook handy for the hundreds of questions I'm sure I will have.

I had the worst hair day EVER today.  Derrick just told me I look crazy:/  Now he's saying I can't write that down.  Now he's shaking his head because I'm gonna keep on going until the antagonism stops.  STOPS I say!!!  It is bad.  I'm trying to grow out those rotten bangs I thought would be such a great idea last January.  What was I thinking?!?  It had been just enough years for me to forget the agony of growing out bangs.  I washed my hair last night and put it in braids, thinking it would save me time this morning if I could just unbraid my hair and have it be wavy.  I do it to Kloe's hair all the time, and it looks cute.  It just didn't work for me.  The back was long and frizzy and the front was straight and trying to get in my eyes all day. I also had to wear my glasses cuz I've been out of contacts forever. It was a sit in the back of the class, and buy contacts immediately after class day.  Still have the crazy hair though (for now).

Tomorrow and Friday I am working a little later than usual.  Hopefully I'll be able to arrange going in later in the morning so I can run.  Now that the weather has been slightly nicer on a regular basis, I'm really trying to make it out there more.  I'd like to do the Mountain to Meadow 1/2 marathon again this June.  It almost May- time to start going for more miles. 

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