September 24, 2013

Day 22- Bullet Your Whole Day

  • Woke up at 7:15. Stumbled out to the living room where the kids were already up and mostly ready for school.  Ground up coffee beans and started the morning coffee ritual. Kissed kids good morning, and then sat in a delirium for a few moments.  Kids both head out for the bus.
  • 8:00- Started getting ready to head out to Body Pump.  Packed some extra clothes so I could be ready to do some things in town afterward.
  • 8:30- Left the house to head to the other side of town.
  • 9:00-10:00- Body Pump-age.  I stayed on my higher weights today, so I was simultaneously happy with and cursing myself.  Survived.
  • 10:00-11:15- Got dressed and ready for actual public appearance.  Headed over to Ross (pretty close to where I work out), and went shopping for a bit.  Found a new dress, meeting shoes for Kloe (turned out to be too big when she tried them on though), and an awesome dragonfly wind chime.
  • 11:15-11:30- Went to Wendy's and had one of their Flat bread Chicken Sandwiches, minus bacon and ranch.  
  • 11:30-12:00- Tried to follow google maps to find the address of a Craigslist guy I wanted to buy a fish tank from.  I hate the google maps app on my phone.  It is always in slow motion, so I always manage to take lots of wrong turns.  Felt insanely accomplished when I actually found the guy's house.  The tank itself was disappointing.  I took it anyway because it had a better filtration system then the tank I have, and Giant Goldfish (aka "Mercury") wasn't going to make it much longer without a working filter on his tank.
  • 12:00-1-ish- Derrick called and asked if I wanted to go to Jakers for lunch with him and Steve.  Yeah!  Lunch #2!  I actually just had a cup of soup, but it was fun hanging out with the guys for a bit.
  • 1:15-2:30-ish-  I scrubbed, scraped, scalded, and did anything I could think of to clean up the fish tank I bought from the lam-o Craigslist guy.  Drained the other tank.  Transferred the giant goldfish while trying to avoid being soaked by his flopping tantrum.  Pieced together a working tank by using parts of both tanks, filled the finished one and then tossed the ungrateful fish back into his tank.
  • 2:30-2:45- Went out to the office to take a break from all things fish related.  Watched some TED tv on youtube.
  • 2:45-3:15- Shannon came over to balance quickbooks, so I hung out and chatted with her while she worked :)  She does all that stuff about 10 times faster then I ever could, and with NO cursing what-so-ever.
  • 3:15-400- Cleaned up the fish mess out of the kitchen, then emptied the dishwasher, loaded any dirty dishes, and made it perfect.
  • 4:00-5:15- Started trying to figure out what is for dinner.  Kids veto my lasagna idea, so stew and rolls it is.  Started cooking the texas rolls (they take forever).  Start thawing out stew meat in the microwave.  Notice that I have at least a dozen bananas all turning black, so decide to make a giant batch of banana bread.  
  • 5:15-6:30- Finish up all the foods.  Eat dinner.  The house smells lovely.  Still no Derrick though :(  He must be working late tonight.
  • 6:30-7:00- Somehow stumble into a discussion about GMO's with the kids.  Start talking about Monsanto.  Derrin googles it and discovered it was voted most evil corporation in the world (by organic types).  Derrin starts researching it feverishly.  Kloe declares she was happier before she ever knew about it and turns on "Ugly Betty" to wipe Monsanto from her mind.  Somewhere in there, Derrick calls and lets me know he is on his way home. 
  • 7:09- Kloe discovers that "The Voice" is on tonight.  Squeals.  Guess it's this instead of "Ugly Betty".  I'm glad- this is one of the only shows I actually like on regular television anymore (The others are "The Middle" and "Big Bang Theory".  Other than that we watch netflix).
  • 7:11- Derrick is finally home from work :)  Tells Derrin thanks for bringing in the garbage cans (I didn't even notice!), and then tells me the house smells good.  It smells like foooood.
  • 7:12-8:00- Watched "The Voice" with the kids until 8:00, have them empty the dishwasher during commercials, then off to bed with them.
  • 8:00-9:30- Finish cleaning the kitchen yet again. A little messing around on facebook... watching some youtube... some Simon's cat and then somewhere in the middle of a lecture on personality disorders that I actually found really interesting (I'm a bit of a weirdo like that), I fell asleep.  I think it is time for bed.  Goodnight!!

Day 21- A Photo of Something That Makes Me Happy

September 19, 2013

Day 20- The Meaning Behind My Blog Name

I started this blog in June of 2010 (All of the posts from before that point were all transferred from a different blog I had kept regularly a couple years before).  You wouldn't know it from the posts from around that time period, but I had just gone through a couple of rough months.

Even though I knew most likely I would never write any of my deep, dark secrets in a blog that others were going to read, I knew it would still be good for me to start writing again.  Still, when I named this blog originally, it was Lamentations of a Girl From Paradise. I was hopeful that I might eventually allow myself some wiggle room to lament in here.  As for the "From Paradise" part, I grew up in a little town that goes by the name of Paradise.  There was also a little tongue in cheek with the first name, after all, what business does a girl from Paradise have with lamenting?

Eventually, I dropped the lamentations, and it became  "From Paradise".  A lot of blogs have focus on distinct subjects and that's how they choose their names.  Since this blog has been more or less just a collection of my own random thoughts and written down experiences, "From Paradise" felt right.  It's all about origins.  Paradise shaped me.  I'm related to that whole town, or at least to who was in that town from 1910-1990. Ninety percent of the folks in the Paradise Cemetery are relatives.  The school there shaped me, not exactly for the better, but it definitely got it's dings in me. Paradise was a very important part of my life, and I've brought it with me all of these years later.

Honestly, the name of the blog also describes how my life feels to me most of the time now.  Of course, everything isn't always perfect in my life.  But, I am more blessed that I ever would have imagined when I was younger.  If I get to be old someday, I know these are the years I will look back at as the best years.  I do feel as though I am writing in the "From Paradise" time of my life.  

September 17, 2013

Day 19: Five Items I Lust After

a. An overwhelming desire or craving: a lust for power.
b. Intense eagerness or enthusiasm: a lust for life.

1.  Travel: 

  • Warm and exotic locations.  I spend a lot of time plotting about how to get out of here in the winter, to go to the awesome parts of Mexico, or Hawaii, or Costa Rica, or anywhere in the Mediterranean.
  • Europe, especially Italy (I know I am being redundant), Scotland, Ireland, France and Brazil.  Derrick and I want to do the Eurail Pass, with just our backpacks and a general idea of where we want to go.
  • Anywhere that isn't The United States or Canada. Elsewhere.

2.  New Experiences

  • Hikes I've never been on. 
  • Restaurants I've never eaten at.  
  • Karaoke on a cruise ship.  
  • Zip lining through a rain forest. 
  • Heck, I'd love to spend the night in a rain forest (and live). 
  • Slow dancing at a club in France.  
  • I want to do things I have never even heard about.  

3.  Opportunities to see awesome music concerts (preferably in outside venues) For instance:

  • Regina Spektor
  • Tori Amos
  • Foster the People
  • Nero 

4. Awesome Footwear:

  • Tall Sexy Boots 
  • Sexy High Heels
  • The Perfect Running Shoe

5.  Sunglasses.  Lots and lots of sunglasses for me.

September 16, 2013

Day 18- Something I Crave A Lot

The shirt to the right pretty much says it all for me today.  I found the stash of chocolate that Derrick keeps for me for those times of emergency.  I found it completely by accident.  There was half a bag of chocolate chips and some candy bars, probably all from camping this summer.  I intentionally don't keep that stuff around, specifically for the days I have an intense weakness for chocolate.  Today was that day.  Poor chocolate didn't have a chance.

Day 18... I declare you done.

September 15, 2013

Day 17...

Ugh... the three topics assigned as options for day 17 have to do with:

1.   Writing about my celebrity crush (Conan O'Brien, by the way, forever and always)


2.  Something I am proud about (my kids, hands down)


3.  Someone Who I Shared a Friendship/Relationship With Who Simply Drifted Out of My Life (hmmm).

Day 17, I declare you done.

September 14, 2013

September 13, 2013

Day 15- A Band/Musical Artist Whose Music Impacted My Life

Once upon a time, when I was about 21 years old, I had a "disagreement" with this guy I was going out with.  It was one of the last "disagreements" we ever got in, because I broke up with him not long after and then I moved back home.

Crazily enough, it was all about music.  He was a local musician, and considered himself a "guru" of all things music.  He really did have an amazing collection of music, and I discovered a lot of amazing artists through him, and I appreciated that.  The one thing I didn't appreciate though, was his intolerance of anything that he didn't consider worthy of his divine approval.  The night of the disagreement, we were on my turf for once, and I decided to throw some hip-hop in (I believe it was Salt and Peppa, who I still like btw).  I knew it was less deep than the stuff he liked, but it was (is) fun music and it always makes me feel like jumping around.  I remember he demanded I turn it off, I said no, he threatened to leave, I said go AHEAD.... after that, the memory gets fuzzy...

Once upon another time, I was sitting in a hot tub with a bunch of friends, and one of them asked me who my all time favorite artist was.  When I told him, he told me he was disappointed in me (he actually said that!).  He'd thought I would say someone he liked and identified with.  He thought this even though we were completely different people:  different sexes, different ages, and completely different personalities.

In my humble opinion, both of these men were complete idiots in those moments.  Judging someone because of what kind of music they like is like judging someone because of their favorite meal, or their favorite scent.  There is a reason we are drawn to the music we love.  For instance, the reason I loved Salt n Peppa back in those days had to do with the memory of a summer years before.  I'd hung out with a group of girls who loved that group, and had spent lots of times shout/singing lyrics with them while cruising around town in the back of a truck.  A little red-neck, yes.  But, it was such a carefree and light-hearted time in my life, and that night I'd had the disagreement with that guy, I'd been trying to channel some of those feelings to balance out the over all heaviness of the mood already starting between us.  Music was and always has been one of my best cures to any mood I am in.  

My favorite musical artist is Sarah McLachlan, and she has been for the last 16 years.  Her music was introduced to me the very night an intense part of my life started.  The first song I ever heard of hers was "Possession", which although I'm not going to tell that part of the story, I will say was really fitting.  It's off of the album "Fumbling Toward Ecstasy".  

The lyrics of that whole cd seemed to be narrating my life through that time period.  I was making some bad choices, and withdrew from my family and there were times I was more alone than I'd ever been.  I had her music on repeat through most of it.  I was still alone, but her music helped me make it through. One of the songs that still gives me chills off of that cd is "Fear"- pretty much described how I felt, especially toward the end of that hard time.
Winter's end
promises of a long lost friend
speaks to me of comfort
but I fear
I have nothing to give
I have so much to lose
here in this lonely place

I ordered her next cd "Surfacing" as soon as I could.  My favorite song off of that album, "Sweet Surrender" pretty much described my experience when I finally went home to get my life back where I needed it to be.
it doesn't mean much
it doesn't mean anything at all
the life I've left behind me
is a cold room
I've crossed the last line
from where I can't return
where every step I took in faith 
betrayed me
and led me from my home 
and sweet
sweet surrender
is all that I have to give

When I was a house mother to a group of about 20 girls at a boarding school for troubled kids, we would take turns singing songs at night before bed.  The song I always sang was "Angel", because I was still healing from my own hard time, and every girl there could relate to it too.
Spend all your time waiting
for that second chance
for a break that would make it okay
there's always some reason
to feel not good enough
and it's hard at the end of the day
I need some distraction
oh beautiful release
memories seep from my veins
let me be empty
and weightless and maybe
I'll find some peace tonight

One of the songs Derrick and I danced to at our wedding was "I Love You" off of 'Surfacing':
I have a smile
stretched from ear to ear
to see you walking down the road 
we meet at the lights
I stare for a while
the world around us disappears

and then later I found him in  'Push'- my beacon of hope that He was...
You see me at my weakest
But you take me as i am
When i fall you offer me a softer place to land

You stay the course, you hold the line
Keep it all together
You're the one true thing i know i can believe in
You're all the things that i desire
You save me, complete me
You're the one true thing i know i can believe in

I get mad so easy
But you give me room to breathe
No matter what i say, you'll do
Because you're too good to fight about it
Even when i have to push
Just to see how far you'll go

At my mom's funeral, one of the songs we chose for her slide show was "Ice Cream".  I've always loved the words to that song, and it was so perfect.  And, of course, we played "I Will Remember You".

Another one of her cd's 'Afterglow' came out in 2003.  A lot of that songs on that album have to do with making mistakes and dealing with consequences.  Once again, it seemed to be telling my story to me.

When an artist manages to sing a large part of your life to you, you have very good reason to call her your very favorite artist.  After all, if my experiences had been different, someone else would have told my story, and someone else would be my favorite musician.  

September 12, 2013

Day 14: What I Wore Today

I seriously did not intend on choosing this entry.  The other two choices, however, I feel I have already talked about a lot(who makes my life worth living) and not really applicable (not really addicted to any tv shows right now) at the moment.  Had I thought it through, I probably would've just posted some pictures of what I wore today instead of writing about it.

SOooOO....  here is the exciting run down of what I wore today, using my WORDS:

I honestly can not remember what I woke up in this morning.  Just that it covered my bits. :)

For most of the day, I wore a black t-shirt, khaki capris, and canvas-y sandals.  The most exciting part of my outfit was the copper with green pearl necklace that Tia gave me.

I eventually changed into black shorts and a black tank top for body pump.  The most exciting part of that outfit was the brand new running shoes I FINALLY went out and bought today (something I'd been wanting to do since the beginning of the month).

Now I am in my "pajamas"- grey tank top, black workout pants.

I hope I didn't over excite any one with my graphic apparel descriptions!! 

September 11, 2013

Day 13- My opinion of My Body and How Comfortable I am With It

Well, this is an interesting topic.

Most women I know have some insecurity about their bodies.  How couldn't we, when we are bombarded with messages that our worth depends largely on external factors like weight, age, how long our legs are, what our boobs look like, and any other little thing they ("they" being anyone who stands to make a buck by plugging these thoughts into the general consciousness of the population).  The more they can make us hate our bodies and learn to view each other with judgement in our eyes, the more money we will be willing to shell out to fix it.  Most of us are caught in a cycle of self-flagellation, as if we can atone for the crime of being physically imperfect if we just admit it out loud to ourselves and everyone else. I am no more immune to this than any one else. 

I was in high school when I really got serious about my weight.  Most days I would skip breakfast and lunch, have a soda (not diet though, always hated diet soda), and then have a small dinner.  During most of my teen years I hover around 115 lbs.   If I was able to maintain 115 lbs.(although anything closer to 100 would have been completely acceptable to me), I felt prettier and more in control. Heaven forbid I ever go over 120 lbs.  I was fairly active (riding bikes and walking around Paradise), but in those days it was still more about alleviating boredom than being healthy.

Eventually, I began to eat a little bit better, but I still had no idea about nutrition.  I mostly tried to keep portion size under control.  Derrick and I got married when I was 23.  I started gaining weight pretty quickly, partially because of birth control pills, but also because I was matching his portion sizes for every meal.  I had already gained about fifteen pounds when I discovered I was pregnant.  I remember feeling completely out of control.  Every morning when I woke up and looked in the mirror, I didn't even recognize the face looking back at me.  I hated how my clothes fit.  I was tired all of the time and didn't want to go anywhere.  I was actually uncomfortable in my own body.  After Derrin was born, I had about thirty-five extra pounds.

It took about 9 months after I had Derrin before I finally started losing weight.  It took about six months before I finally was back to my pre-marriage weight.  I felt like myself again.

The memory of what it felt like to be over weight during that part of my life has stuck with me.  I never want to feel like that again, so I am very careful to stay within five pounds of my most comfortable weight.  I do what I can in order to feel at home inside of my body.

However, I wouldn't say that maintaining my weight has been my biggest incentive for being consistent with exercise.  I work out because it makes me healthier, physically and mentally.  Whether I am running, or doing body pump (weights), it gives me appreciation for what my body is capable of; of what I am capable of.  This has been the key element in having a more positive relationship with my body.  Any more, I don't look at the scale as the measure to how much I am going to approve of my body.  Instead, I notice how well it can run and jump and climb and lift.  I am just filled with gratitude that it does all of those things for me.

Even though I struggle with internal dialog about my body just like most women, I try to be very careful not to talk about weight or complain about my body in front of my kids, especially my daughter.  This is for both our sakes.  Thoughts are powerful, especially the ones you choose to say out loud.  I believe that every time you sit around vocalizing how much you hate your body, you are shaping up a belief system for yourself and your children.  The opposite is true too- if you show how much you love what your body is doing for you, you and your kids are going to believe that your bodies are amazing things.  My hope for her is that maybe she can bypass the whole weight issue all together, and get to the part of just loving what her body is capable of doing.  Maybe if I model a positive relationship with my body, she will feel like it is okay to have a positive relationship with hers too.

Found this on Pinterest.  When these images were floating around on facebook, I agreed with it's message:  Why does it have to be one body type over another?  Why attach shame to anyone's body?

September 9, 2013

Day 12- Five Guys Who I Find Attractive

I am mostly brain dead tonight.  It was a long day.  Too much braining with thoughts.  I was going to write about what I need to improve about myself (first topic choice), but I don't wanna.  The second choice is "five guys who I find attractive".  I read the choices to Derrick, and he laughed and said he wouldn't feel horribly betrayed if I chose that option.  And, as he is laying in bed with me as I type this, I feel no guilt...  SO, here I go:

1.  Derrick.  Of course.

2.  "Sawyer" from Lost.  Or I should say, James Ford and sometimes LaFleur (Josh Holloway). Tortured, sarcastic, best one lining character ever.

3. Jamie Fraser from the Outlander series.  Yes, he is a fictional character.  But, he is tall, red-headed, slanted blue eyes, high cheek bones... and the ability to woo any woman with ears.  I almost think James Fraser could be part troll and STILL be on my top five, simply because of his way with words.

4.  Daniel Crag.  Especially of the 007 variety.

5.  Clive Owen.


September 8, 2013

Day 11: My Family

In line with the 30 day writing challenge, I am talking about my family in this disjointed entry.

There are a lot of different kind of family I have been blessed to be part of.

The family I was raised in represents so many dichotomies to me.  But, despite any of the craziness that has come from this core family, I can honestly say I was gifted with more than an adequate amount of love as I was growing up.

I had parents who did their best, and I couldn't ask any more than that.  I think about different situations they found themselves in, and different choices they made, and I don't know that I could have done any better had I been in their shoes with the resources they had.  I do know that everything they ever did, they did out of love for their family.

My family had four boys and two girls.  Lonnie, Danny, Daryn, and Renae were born first, and later myself and my younger brother Shaun came along.  Daryn died when he was 23 and I was 8.

Things haven't always been the easiest between myself and my brothers.  I wish things were different for us, and that we could all be a big, warm, and happy family. That hasn't happened, however.  I love them, though, and I want them to have happy lives.  Who knows, maybe some day, some how, things will be better for us.  I will always hope for that.

My sister has always been one of the most important people in my life.  She is 12.5 years older than me, so growing up we didn't have the typical sister relationship.  She has always had my back, though, ever since childhood.  She protected me when I didn't even know I was in danger.  She tried her hardest to keep me from being a follower (and as hard as I fight being a leader, I fight just as hard not to be a follower).  She was my absolute role model/hero as I grew up, and then she transformed into one of my best friends.

She married Doug when I was five.  He is my brother, all the way. Besides my mom, he was the authority figure I butted heads with the most as I was growing up (I fought with Shaun and Steph a lot too, but more in a sibling-ish kind of way).  As much as I wanted to punch him a lot (and I say that with a smile), I love/d him just as much.

I have three nieces and three nephews.  I grew up close to three of them- Steph, Shannon, and Brandon, and they feel more like younger siblings to me.  Ryan (only 3 years younger than me) didn't move close to us until he was around fifteen.  We kind of bounced in and out of each other's lives through the years.  Kobe and McKenzie live in Oregon with their mothers.  I miss getting to see them grow up.

I also have some amazing aunts who have always been instrumental in my life.  I have sister/brother/niece in-laws who I am blessed to call my family.

I was never one of those kids who dreamed about being a mother, but it has been my life's most rewarding and beautiful journeys.  Of course there are times I feel like I am going to lose my mind if I hear them fighting even one.more.time, but in the big picture I would never trade getting to be their mother for anything.

Of course, my family includes Derrick.  He is my rock, my source of safety.  I love that I know him so intimately, and that the more minutely I know him, the more I respect him.  He has a well of integrity that I completely look up to, and hope I can achieve.  I have been blessed to make this family with him.

I also have friends that I love like family.  I've been blessed to have amazing people come into my life, and once you are in the inner family/friend circle of my heart, I don't ever want you to go.  My tribe.

And I am one of Jehovah's Witnesses- that makes me part of a very large family.  My whole life I have been fortunate to be surrounded by these brothers/sisters.

And there you have it, the *very* short version of "My Family".



My nephew Ryan passed away this weekend in a tragic motorcycle accident.  I (along with the rest of his family) am heart broke that it happened.  It was the last thing any of us expected.

The last time I saw him was not good (because of some strained family dynamics), but the time before that was at a big family dinner at my mom and dad's house.  We played Spoons, took pictures and felt like a big happy family that night.

My best memory of him is from about four years ago.  We went to coffee in town, and talked for a couple of hours about everything and anything.  He had one of those minds that could wander down lots of different subjects, so talking with him was really fun.  He had been going to AA for about a year at that point (I realize that is an anonymous group, but he was very vocal about it himself, and was very close to the people there so I don't think he would've minded me saying it), and he had all the hope of someone on a new path. I had been going through some hard times myself, so we were able to talk about what we were going through and what we were doing to make things better. I was glad to hear that he had stayed on that path, and his life seemed to be going in a good direction.

He had a fifteen year old son and a baby boy (around two years old).  He was my brother Lonnie's only child. I just can't even imagine what he is going through right now.

September 7, 2013

Day 10- Put My Music Player on Shuffle and Write Down the First Ten Songs That Play

1. Roll Away Your Stone- Mumford and Sons
2. Spend Some Time- Death Cab for Cutie
3. Do I Creep You Out- Weird Al
4. Give It To Me- Justin Timberlake
5. Ray of Light- Madonna
6. Landslide- Stevie Nicks
7. Anything But Down- Sheryl Crow
8. Mad World- Michael Andrews
9. Alive- Pearl Jam
10. Home- Sheryl Crow

September 6, 2013

Challenge Day 9: Vacation Hiatus (Summer Stuff)

The last day of summer isn't technically until September 21st, a little over two weeks from now.  For most people, however, the end of August usually signals the real end of summer.  The nights (usually) start getting colder, the kids go back to school, and things start to get serious again.  I am sad (as always) to see summer go.

I can't complain too much though.  We had a great summer.  There was lots of camping, playing in the water, hanging out with friends, and generally absorbing as much outside time as possible. In August, we took Derrin to his first rock concert (Cake!), and that was a great time.

 We also went camping at Como Lake with Deana, Rob and the kids- also a super time.  Kloe and Alaina finally caught their chipmunk this year.  The first one was a moment of great triumph, but their trap was almost too effective; they were able to catch so many that it lost its novelty.  Also, the chipmunks were eager to gnaw off any little fingers that got anywhere near them, and it became apparent very quickly they were never to be the cuddly little pets the girls had dreams about.  Catching frogs and snakes became the preferred activity again.  We went to the beach a couple of times, and everyone got in the water (well, except me, but I am a cold water wimp) briefly.  There was a lot of thunder and rain, so we ended up back at camp pretty quickly after any trip to the beach.  We played a lot of poker (I smoked Rob, that was the most important thing you need to know about that), sat around the campfire, and huddled in the camper when one particularly loud and hard storm rolled through.  Beautiful weekend.

The week after that camping trip, we had some crazy forest fires across-ed the river from our house.  We had quite a few friends on evacuation notice, and held our breath until the fire was eventually contained.  The air was typical August in Montana- smoke smoke everywhere.

The first weekend in September, Derrick had a golf tournament in Anaconda (the morning after the fair in Hamilton).  Georgetown Lake is not far from there, so we brought the camper up there and camped with Shannon, Phil, Alta, Kevin and Guinness.  It turned into a great weekend just lounging by the beach.

And that pretty much is the short version of summer, and brings me up to date.  Tomorrow is the dirty dash 5k.  This is the second year we will be doing it.  None of us feels as prepared as last year, even though we signed up clear last January.  Oh well, it's a chance to hang out together and have some fun.

Como Lake 2013
Cheeky Chipmunk, Stealing Peanut Butter
The Trappers
Bucket of Snakes and Frogs, Desperate to get out and away from eachother
Canoe Ride Across the Lake
Chilling at the Lake
Another Fun Camp Trip Together
My crazy friend, sawing some wood.
Lolo Forrest Fire 2013
Storm Rolling In
Smoke Rolling over our house

The View from our neighborhood
Dramatics from my boy
Georgetown Lake Camping Trip 2013

Beautiful niece, Shananin
"Trophy" fish
Trip to Philipsburg for Candy

September 5, 2013

Challenge Day 8: A Song and Photo to Match My Mood

Happiness hit her like a train on a track
Coming towards her stuck still no turning back
She hid around corners and she hid under beds
She killed it with kisses and from it she fled
With every bubble she sank with her drink
And washed it away down the kitchen sink

The dog days are over
The dog days are done
The horses are coming
So you better run

Run fast for your mother, run fast for your father
Run for your children, for your sisters and brothers
Leave all your love and your longing behind
You can't carry it with you if you want to survive

The dog days are over
The dog days are done
Can you hear the horses?
'Cause here they come

And I never wanted anything from you
Except everything you had and what was left after that too, oh
Happiness hit her like a bullet in the back
Struck from a great height by someone who should know better than that

The dog days are over
The dog days are done
Can you hear the horses?
'Cause here they come

Run fast for your mother, run fast for your father
Run for your children, for your sisters and brothers
Leave all your love and your longing behind
You can't carry it with you if you want to survive

The dog days are over
The dog days are done
Can you hear the horses?
'Cause here they come

The dog days are over
The dog days are done
The horses are coming
So you better run

~Florence and the Machine
(Love the hopeful, urgent, and conflicted lyrics to this song.) 

September 4, 2013

Challenge Day Seven: Five Pet Peeves

1.  Smacking sounds while eating.  Slurping spaghetti.  Crunching cereal.  You get the idea.  Loud chewing completely grosses me out.  There have been many a time I have had to leave the room because of horrible chewing.

2.  The fact that we have five radio stations here that are committed to playing the same ten songs over and over and over and... over.  If I liked any of the songs, maybe it would be enough hope to keep me hanging on, but lately I have been plugging in my phone and listening to Pandora.  Take that local radio stations!

3.  Ultra conscientious and controlling drivers who keep all of the cars behind them safe by modulating everyone's speed to five miles below the speed limit...  for miles.  Then, in a final insulting yahoo, they manage to control their speed so they are the last car to barely squeak though that yellow light I desperately needed to get through in order to be on time for work.  Many an assassination plot have been hatched (by myself) against that noble random driver.

4.  Tabloids and their placement in the checkout line at the store.  I do not want whatever misogynistic jerk or betraying to all other womankind, high school throwback chick's idea of what a woman should look like by headlines like "50 Best and Worst Bodies of Hollywood" and pictures of whatever poor women they decided to exploit for that issue.  I don't want that in my head, and I definitely don't want that in my children's heads.

5.  People who cuss in public places, especially when my kids are around.  Especially when they KNOW my kids are within earshot.  Come on people!!

September 3, 2013

Challenge Day 6- A Photo of an Animal I would Love to Have as a Pet

I am cheesing out today.  This was the easiest day 6 entry, so here I go:

Who WOULDN'T want a baby monkey?!?  Especially this little guy? 

September 2, 2013

Challenge Day Five- Something In Life That Gives Me Balance (Attempt #2)

So, this is try two for this particular post.  I had this notion that I would be able to just write an entry out, take a picture of it, and then post it.  I'd forgot that the Blogger phone app isn't the easiest to work with, and that the quality of pics posted directed to Blogger from the app is pretty bad.  Oh well, here is try two.  After this attempt, I pretty much decided that it was a sign to just concentrate on playing by the lake and to enjoy our vacation time.  Tomorrow I will jump back into the 30 day challenge. :)
