September 6, 2013

Challenge Day 9: Vacation Hiatus (Summer Stuff)

The last day of summer isn't technically until September 21st, a little over two weeks from now.  For most people, however, the end of August usually signals the real end of summer.  The nights (usually) start getting colder, the kids go back to school, and things start to get serious again.  I am sad (as always) to see summer go.

I can't complain too much though.  We had a great summer.  There was lots of camping, playing in the water, hanging out with friends, and generally absorbing as much outside time as possible. In August, we took Derrin to his first rock concert (Cake!), and that was a great time.

 We also went camping at Como Lake with Deana, Rob and the kids- also a super time.  Kloe and Alaina finally caught their chipmunk this year.  The first one was a moment of great triumph, but their trap was almost too effective; they were able to catch so many that it lost its novelty.  Also, the chipmunks were eager to gnaw off any little fingers that got anywhere near them, and it became apparent very quickly they were never to be the cuddly little pets the girls had dreams about.  Catching frogs and snakes became the preferred activity again.  We went to the beach a couple of times, and everyone got in the water (well, except me, but I am a cold water wimp) briefly.  There was a lot of thunder and rain, so we ended up back at camp pretty quickly after any trip to the beach.  We played a lot of poker (I smoked Rob, that was the most important thing you need to know about that), sat around the campfire, and huddled in the camper when one particularly loud and hard storm rolled through.  Beautiful weekend.

The week after that camping trip, we had some crazy forest fires across-ed the river from our house.  We had quite a few friends on evacuation notice, and held our breath until the fire was eventually contained.  The air was typical August in Montana- smoke smoke everywhere.

The first weekend in September, Derrick had a golf tournament in Anaconda (the morning after the fair in Hamilton).  Georgetown Lake is not far from there, so we brought the camper up there and camped with Shannon, Phil, Alta, Kevin and Guinness.  It turned into a great weekend just lounging by the beach.

And that pretty much is the short version of summer, and brings me up to date.  Tomorrow is the dirty dash 5k.  This is the second year we will be doing it.  None of us feels as prepared as last year, even though we signed up clear last January.  Oh well, it's a chance to hang out together and have some fun.

Como Lake 2013
Cheeky Chipmunk, Stealing Peanut Butter
The Trappers
Bucket of Snakes and Frogs, Desperate to get out and away from eachother
Canoe Ride Across the Lake
Chilling at the Lake
Another Fun Camp Trip Together
My crazy friend, sawing some wood.
Lolo Forrest Fire 2013
Storm Rolling In
Smoke Rolling over our house

The View from our neighborhood
Dramatics from my boy
Georgetown Lake Camping Trip 2013

Beautiful niece, Shananin
"Trophy" fish
Trip to Philipsburg for Candy

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