September 19, 2013

Day 20- The Meaning Behind My Blog Name

I started this blog in June of 2010 (All of the posts from before that point were all transferred from a different blog I had kept regularly a couple years before).  You wouldn't know it from the posts from around that time period, but I had just gone through a couple of rough months.

Even though I knew most likely I would never write any of my deep, dark secrets in a blog that others were going to read, I knew it would still be good for me to start writing again.  Still, when I named this blog originally, it was Lamentations of a Girl From Paradise. I was hopeful that I might eventually allow myself some wiggle room to lament in here.  As for the "From Paradise" part, I grew up in a little town that goes by the name of Paradise.  There was also a little tongue in cheek with the first name, after all, what business does a girl from Paradise have with lamenting?

Eventually, I dropped the lamentations, and it became  "From Paradise".  A lot of blogs have focus on distinct subjects and that's how they choose their names.  Since this blog has been more or less just a collection of my own random thoughts and written down experiences, "From Paradise" felt right.  It's all about origins.  Paradise shaped me.  I'm related to that whole town, or at least to who was in that town from 1910-1990. Ninety percent of the folks in the Paradise Cemetery are relatives.  The school there shaped me, not exactly for the better, but it definitely got it's dings in me. Paradise was a very important part of my life, and I've brought it with me all of these years later.

Honestly, the name of the blog also describes how my life feels to me most of the time now.  Of course, everything isn't always perfect in my life.  But, I am more blessed that I ever would have imagined when I was younger.  If I get to be old someday, I know these are the years I will look back at as the best years.  I do feel as though I am writing in the "From Paradise" time of my life.  

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