April 9, 2011


Soooo.  I am sitting here, all by my lonesome.  Everyone else is at a wedding reception, friends and family alike.  I'm feeling a little bad about not going.  I didn't feel like it... I know *LAME*

I am so introverted sometimes.  It goes beyond introversion actually.  Sometimes the thought of being around large groups of people is SO overwhelming to me.  I very seldom actually look forward to going to a party. Even when I will know a lot of people at a party (like tonight), I still don't ever really just *want* to go. 

The funny thing is that I did get ready to go to it.  I put on a cute dress, I curled my hair and did my make up with more than the usual care...  I was completely ready to go.  Then as we got closer to the kingdom hall, I just *did not* want to go in.  There were so many cars- I knew it was going to be packed in there.  So, instead Derrick and I messed around in town for a little while, and then went home.  We were planning on going to the reception, but then I didn't go to that either.  Derrick went- I just stayed home by myself.  A lot of times I will go if it's the only way that the kids will get to go, but they were able to have fun without my presence today.


On the bright side, I did get most of my laundry done.  My house is super clean.  I got to eat ice cream, watermelon and pop corn for dinner, since I was the only one here.  I watched a new documentary about the wealthy in America. 

Oh well.  Someday I might develop the coolness it takes to go to parties.


Anonymous said...

WOW girley, I DO the SAME thing!! I get myself all pumped up to go to functions, then on the way I get this sick feeling in my stomach, and cant do it!! There is really NO real reason that I didnt want to attend, but being by myself or with my hubby is jus soo much more comfortable and inviting! I truely feel you!! Its nice to know that im not alone! ( I just chalked it up to the fact that "I hate people") ;)

~From Paradise~ said...

It's good to not feel so alone with my dislike of parties:) I was feeling kinda guilty about it, ya know? Parties are even defined in the dictionary as places to have FUN. And it's not that we don't like people (well, mostly. heh), cuz I LOVE getting together with smaller groups of friends (like 2 or 3) where you can actually TALK- with none of that small talk stuff. Oh well, it takes all types, eh? (I threw the "eh" in for you:) I could SO be canadian!)