September 4, 2013

Challenge Day Seven: Five Pet Peeves

1.  Smacking sounds while eating.  Slurping spaghetti.  Crunching cereal.  You get the idea.  Loud chewing completely grosses me out.  There have been many a time I have had to leave the room because of horrible chewing.

2.  The fact that we have five radio stations here that are committed to playing the same ten songs over and over and over and... over.  If I liked any of the songs, maybe it would be enough hope to keep me hanging on, but lately I have been plugging in my phone and listening to Pandora.  Take that local radio stations!

3.  Ultra conscientious and controlling drivers who keep all of the cars behind them safe by modulating everyone's speed to five miles below the speed limit...  for miles.  Then, in a final insulting yahoo, they manage to control their speed so they are the last car to barely squeak though that yellow light I desperately needed to get through in order to be on time for work.  Many an assassination plot have been hatched (by myself) against that noble random driver.

4.  Tabloids and their placement in the checkout line at the store.  I do not want whatever misogynistic jerk or betraying to all other womankind, high school throwback chick's idea of what a woman should look like by headlines like "50 Best and Worst Bodies of Hollywood" and pictures of whatever poor women they decided to exploit for that issue.  I don't want that in my head, and I definitely don't want that in my children's heads.

5.  People who cuss in public places, especially when my kids are around.  Especially when they KNOW my kids are within earshot.  Come on people!!


Desi Lu Lu said...

Hi Rachel! Just looked at this, Justin has the same problem. Triggers a fight or flight response. I believe it's actually labeled-Mesophonia. If I spelled that correctly. :D

~From Paradise~ said...

Haha- I love that!!! I'm going to remember that, and let people know they are inflaming my Mesophonia (I mostly go into "fight" mode!) ;)