November 2, 2006

my children's prisoners

Yesterday we had the opportunity to take home derrin's class pets. They are fearful little critters by the name of Chester and Clyde. So far, all is mostly well. Kloe does have a special way with them though. Forced watchings of "Dora the Explorer" and "SpongeBob" while sitting baby-style on her lap probably will do no lasting harm.
Kloe has a way with animals. She loves them until they are insane with rage at her. Poor Chester who has been in a room full of kindergardeners for years and never had a mental break finally had enough yesterday and bit her finger (it really just hurt her feelings). Our kitty Gary feels Chester's pain. This is his method of dealing with her when she will not release him: 1) Meow lightly at child. Hope this gains her attention. 2)Squirm lightly. Hope this gains her attention. 3) Squirm wildly. Hope this makes the point. 4) Jump up, grab child's hair, pull child down to the floor and hold there until child's attention is gained and then stalk away happily.

His method works every time.

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