June 24, 2010


I am crawling out of my skin. Feel so nervous today. This is the kind of day I wish I could lock myself into my room and hide. Instead I am at work, dealing with people who probably feel worse than I do.

Mom is really sick today. She has a lot of pain in her lower stomach and abdomen. I am so frustrated to be stuck in Missoula! She will not go to the doctor, and I want to march down there and make her go. Been on the phone with Renae (who is in Seattle), Danny (who is stuck at work in St. Regis), and Cookie, who went to see Mom and check on her. Everyone who has seen her agrees that she doesn't look good. I'm worried. My stomach is twisting. I should be exhausted since I didn't hardly sleep at all last night, but instead I feel wired and weepy. Must make it to 5:15....

Tomorrow I need to clean my house, call around to find a new oncologist for Mom, take all of our extra cash and give it to Discover card (gotta do that one fast, like pulling off a bandaid) and then go to work at 1:00. Steph and the kids should be at our house by the time I get off of work. I ran only about 3.5 miles today instead of the 6.2 I had planned. It would be just like me to overdue it, so I thought I should take it a little bit more easy.

And now.... 3 more hours to go and then HOME.

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