June 7, 2010

My Life in a Nut Shell

Okay, this is a typical day for me: I get up at 7:30 to wake the kids up for school. After getting them ready, feeding them breakfast and sending them out the door, I have about a half hour to have coffee and my own breakfast. Then I clean up the kitchen and get ready to go for a run (at least four days a week I do- usually not Thursdays though). Right now I am at 6 miles a day- I'm training for a half-marathon that happens at the end of the month and I am a little worried that I may not have been training hard enough. I was up to 9 miles on my long day, but life has been a little crazy the last couple months and 9 was the farthest I have attempted.... but I digress. After my run, I usually have about 45 minutes to shower, get ready and drive to work. I struggle with being on time!!! I HATE being late, but it is SO hard not to with everything I try to jam into the morning. I get out of work at 3 most days, drive home and meet the kids just as they are getting off the bus. Then I try to do some house cleaning and laundry type business until it's time to make dinner around five. Usually dinner is all wrapped up around 5:30 or 6, I do dishes, and I guess that would be the time I should do some writing, working on pictures, painting, studying... constructive business. Which is all fine and dandy unless Derrick is home, and then what usually happens is we make some tea and snuggle up on the couch until it's time to put the kids to bed at 8. After they are tucked in, we snuggle down into the couch again until around 10, and then it's lights out... Yep, that pretty much covers all the days except for Thursday, which is a no-run and meeting at the kingdom hall day. And Wednesday night is family worship night...
I guess I want to start writing more because I feel like I'm starting to miss a lot of the details in the routine of life. I want to start soaking up the little moments again, and being able to recognise a funny moment when it happens. Writing helps in this, because everything becomes a story in the making. So I guess that is the mission of this blog. Here we go...

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