June 9, 2010

Emotional Whiplash

I was seriously down on Tuesday. Just one of those crappy days where EVERYTHING I touched seemed to turn to dust instantly. Made both my kids cry. Had crazy people getting frustrated with me at work. My husband had to leave town for work (that one wasn't my fault, but I was still sad about it). Wednesday I decided to stay home from work and try to gather myself. Went running- not a great run, but I struggled through the 6.2 miles and was happy to have done it. Folded PILES of laundry and got them all put away. Took the kids into town after school to have dinner with Renae and my parents. Bought some more flowers and plants and made my front porch pretty. Bought the first season of Glee's soundtrack (I am SUCH a geek). Turned out it was a great day. Today I woke up in a fantastic mood. Derrick is coming home tonight. I ran the 6.2 miles with NO BREAKS!!! Holy cow, I was impressed with myself- although I did decide in the end that if I plan on texting anyone a walk break is a MUST. Came way to close to running into a fence post. I did have an epiphany (Running makes me as philosophical as I was when I used to drink. Must be the endorphins kicking in.) It happened when I almost ran into the post because I was running while texting. Made me think about my approach to life- how I sweat the small stuff. I micro-analyze EVERYTHING- hold it up as close as I can until I'm nearly cross-eyed and dizzy. Makes me run into emotional posts, and then I fall down stunned. You can not text and run very well at the same time because : a) You are bouncing up and down so it is really hard to see anything up close anyways. b) You also can't see anything far away because you are looking at the darned phone.
My life is not going to slow down anytime soon. There is too much going on all of the time to sit down and micro-analyze every little thing. It only makes for a crash and burn for me. Since my life is going to be in motion, I gotta just put the phone down, keep my eyes on the road and quit worrying about things that don't matter. One fact you should know about me: I look ridiculous when I run. My arms have a rhythm of their own- they swing independent from my legs. I've seen pictures and video: it is a sight to behold. Despite this, I still go. I don't care WHAT I look like while I'm running, because the benefits to me are worth it! I feel awesome, strong, sexy.... well, I feel a lot of really great things while I am running. I want my life to be like THAT. I want to say what I want to say and just be able to trust myself that my intentions are good, so let the words fall where they may, whether I look crazy while saying it or not. If something is funny to me, I want to be able to say it and feel awesome, strong, sexy.... and all of those other adjectives, just because it is HEALTHY to just be who I am without picking it apart, hiding, or worst of all just shutting down!
Anyways, guess that is it for today:)

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