June 30, 2010

Mountain to Meadow, how it felt

I guess I wanted to write a little more about our run on Saturday. It was such a big build-up, and it seems like such an anti-climax to just post a couple of pictures and call it good. So, here it goes...

I was really nervous that morning, my stomach in knots, but once we started running it was just like any other running day. Actually it was better because I had Steph running with me:) There was a lot more uphill running involved than I had expected, but it didn't feel as hard as it should have. Usually I listen to music when I run, but for the first 11 miles Steph and I just talked (we were keeping a slower pace than normal for this run- on a normal run I couldn't talk and run at the same time), and it made the miles slide by fast. We had the best time talking. We talked about our family, being strong inside, death, how we hope to deal with loss and whatever life hands to us, how we want to be remembered... It was a beautiful talk. It was all of those important things that come up in my mind whenever I run (one of the reasons I find running so healthy and healing), only we were saying it all out loud.

At 11 miles we parted ways (only three miles to go!), so I did start to listen to music at that point. It was all downhill from there, and I was by myself. Those miles went by very fast too, and when I got to the last mile I could actually feel a lump in my throat and tears welling in my eyes. I didn't expect to feel so emotional about it, but that run meant a lot to me. When I got into sight of the finish line, I saw Derrick and Kloe waiting for me, cheering me on. Kloe ran that last little bit with me and crossed the line with me. It was a great moment.

Can't wait to do it again.

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