June 15, 2010

Summer Vacation has Officially Begun

I am working SO hard to be a punctual person. I don't know WHY being on time has always been an issue for me, but I can go back to childhood and remember being late to everything. I have no concept of time. BUT, just because it has always been a problem, it doesn't mean it will ALWAYS have to be a problem, right? Right.

I left a full half-hour early this morning to get to work on time. I still had to drive the kids to Gramma's first, but I should have had no problem rolling in a couple minutes early. Instead I managed to get there by the skin of my teeth. WHY?

Sometimes it feels like I'm in my own personal Truman Show life. As soon as I dropped off the kids, it felt like the creators of my personal show were trying to keep me in my old role. All of a sudden there was road construction where there had never been road construction before, huge trucks that couldn't go over 15 miles and hour, all red lights, and I kid you not, a TRAFFIC JAM in the middle of a residential area that normally has nothing there but old ladies walking their dogs and people riding their bikes. It was the weirdest thing! And I was in the middle of it, unable to go forward or backward, trying to breath deeply and think calm thoughts. Despite all obstacles, I made it exactly on time:)

Besides my drama of untimeliness, we have been working in the yard a lot lately. We are almost done with all of the projects we deemed necessary to make it pretty again. We stained the fence and the lattice around the back porch, I planted more vines to creep up the lattice, we put in a new flower garden where the hot tub used to be, we planted a crab apple tree, I bought a planter for the pond and a new little fishy spout for it as well, and I bought a giant planter and a pump and some water plants to add a water element to the back porch. My little vege garden is also all planted, although I wouldn't say it is thriving. Both Derrick and Derrin were giving me a hard time about my black thumb yesterday. It doesn't seem like it should be so hard to make things grow, but my plants generally look beragled and suffering, like they wish they could be growing anywhere else but in my yard. My gardening self-esteem is low, but my hopes are still high that this might be the year I figure it out. Perhaps this year my thumb is actually dark green instead of black. Anyways, I have to say that I am finding my yard a very pleasant place to wander about in, postage stamp size though it may be.

Different topic- back to the eternal subject of running. The kids are out of school now, so my long runs down the magic dirt road are probably not going to be as frequent as before. Back to the tread mill for me. I did my first 5 miles of the summer vacation treadmill style this morning. Started watching "Lost" again- hopefully it will get me through at least a month or so of inside running. Since it is my second time though the series, I know which parts to fast forward through (Derrin is freaked out by the show, but somehow can't stop watching it), and what parts to tell him exactly whats going on to take the mystery out of it, and thereby make it unscary. I need a new series REALLY bad- something that would be okay for kids to watch too.

And... well, that's about it for the moment!

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