January 2, 2011

Day Two in Seattle

We went at a slower place yesterday.  The guys wanted to drive to Mount Ranier.  The kids and Tia and I didn't relish the thought of being cooped up in a car again, even for a cool road trip.   

So, after the guys left we headed into town and bought some supplies for a fun painting project (a free for all, paint whatever you want kind of project... I'll have to post some pics of our results), and then Tia drove us down to West Seattle so the kids could play on Alki beach.  I have to admit I was a wuss (my toe, OH MY TOE!!! The pain.... the suffering.... actually it's feeling better today), and stayed in the car and read.  I know- LAME.  But Tia and the kids had fun:)

Sand in my boot

Yeah, that stick didn't fit into the car, but it was a nice try

Seattle Skyline

Space Needle
We eventually went home, got out our paint and canvases, and spent the rest of the afternoon being art-TEESTs

Art Gallery


Nokomis said...

your kids have inherited your creativity, insights and unique view of the ordinary. i can see it in their art and the derrins photos. whether he understand all of what he sees or captures, i dont know but he has good instinct. ive never been to these places. beautiful and full of character! i always enjoy what you produce. well that sounds like childbirth. share is the better word:)I love you my friend.

~From Paradise~ said...

aw, thanks komi. i'm always amazed by my kiddies- it's cool watching how a person starts out as a baby and then developes their own view of everything (that mom thing is a cool gig) we've really enjoyed our time here- want to come back and do some more exploring. love you muchly too!