January 26, 2011

You Live You Learn

Kloe got up this morning saying that her tummy hurt.  I made her get dressed for school anyway.  Her head hurt.  I took her temperature (98.5) and then made her eat breakfast.  Then she was just sooo tired.  I made her get her shoes and coat on, told her I loved her and then sent her on her way.  I called the school to let them know she was out of sorts and to give me a call if her day didn't improve.  About ten I got a call that she had fallen asleep in class and now had a temperature of 102.  MEAN MOMMY ALERT!!!  But, in my defense, how can I know when she just doesn't want to go to school (which does happen occasionally), or if she is really sick, especially if there is no fever? 

I have a memory of my mom making me get ready for school after I'd told her I was sick.  I was seven (just like Kloe), and we had eaten fish sandwiches at a local restaurant the night before (pretty sure it was the sandwich the night before).  My tummy hurt too, but I didn't have a fever.  I cried through breakfast (like my girl did this morning) trying to convince her I felt icky.  Finally, I ran to the bathroom and was super sick.  I remember laying on the bathroom rug afterward, still sick, but also triumphant.  I'm pretty sure I brought that incident up to her every time I claimed to be sick all the way through high school.  :)  It worked too- I missed a lot of school when I was a kid.  Which brings me back to why I make my kids go unless they have a fever.  I don't want them to get into a pattern of being skippers.  It is a hard pattern to break.

Off the subject, but I was going through some greeting cards that had been my mom's the other day, and I found one I had written to her that she'd tucked in there.  It was a thank-you card I'd written to her and Dad about twelve years ago- I don't even remember writing it, but it said a lot of the things I'd hoped she knew I felt.  It made me happy to read it.

Back to today, I went and picked up my little sickie, and we spent the rest of the day on the couch snuggling and watching movies together.  Derrick came home to watch her while I went to the eye doctor again (it is healing nicely), and when I got back I started a couple new paintings.  Gonna try very hard to not add these paintings to my collection of other unfinished art stuff.  I shall persevere and prevail!!  Derrick says that right now they look like the front cover of a David Bowie album.  That's just super.

Right now we are on the couch- Derrick's watching television, and I'm writing this, while waiting for some banana bread I have in the oven to be done.  And that's about it for this day.
Mom's treasure box


Anonymous said...

I love your Mom's treasure box! That is so cool. I should find something like that for myself. All my treasures are just stuffed in plastic bins...not quite so romantic. When we were moving, I found some cards I had written Jonah when we were first dating. Sweet that he saved them, but after reading them I wanted to gag. Why do newly dating people go overboard on the mushy talk? Or is that just me? I almost threw them out, but couldn't do it. I guess my kids can have a good laugh at me someday. So sorry you cut your eyeball! Ouch! Hope Kloe feels better too!

xoxo, Melissa

~From Paradise~ said...

Hey Melissa~
I still have some cards and letters you sent to me from when you were in college right after highschool. They are fun:) Remember the barney stickers on the envelopes with the threats to his life? heehee- priceless:)))

I don't have mushy letters from or to Derrick- I guess we where together so much while we dated that we didn't ever write each other. I wish we had them- I'd love to have that sort of stuff to pass on to my kids (even if they'd be embarrassing;)