January 21, 2011

Do-ith Unto Others

"The sun shall com-eth, then the sun shall go-eth away and who know-eth for when it shall return."-Prologue to Winter in Montana, 325 days of Gray, and Gray... And Gray

It is soooo gray outside.  I'm sitting here drinking my coffee, watching Friends, and contemplating actually venturing out into that gray goo for a run.  It looks like Black and White land.  Black and white looks good on most people in pictures.  It doesn't deliver positive results in running.  Maybe if I were more colorful today it wouldn't matter what it looked like out there, but I'm gray too.

I think I slept on my face last night.  I woke up to my bangs sticking straight up in the air, like a fashion statement of the 80's.  Also woke up to a Kid Battle that was reaching epic proportions.  Derrin was demanding that cereal be poured for him in reciprocation of his many cereal pourings for Kloe.  Kloe was refusing on the principle that she does not have to do what he says, especially when he says it in that tone of voice.  By the time I walked out with my barely opened eyes, slept on face and hair, they were both in fine moods.  What a time to make an entrance as mediator.  Kloe was so MAD.  She is usually my little ray of sunshine in the morning.  This morning she got herself all together, sat down on the bench by the door, crossed her arms  and seethed.  I do not believe I have ever seen that amount of anger and promised retribution on her face before.  I hadn't even had coffee yet.  My eyes were barely unstuck from sleep.  Still managed to whip up a sermon on family, love, being the bigger person, and then forgiveness... followed by a lot of "Do you hear me?  Do you hear me???"  to their grumbled "Yes Mom".  Then I made them hug each other.  Twice. 

I have other things I could write about today.... but I don't wanna.  This is a "look to the light" day, even if its spectrum will only allow for black and white.  There will be time to contemplate shadows later.


Deana Mattos said...

love reading
you need to add a follow widget so I can follow,
you can follow me on my blog too http://fineartbymattos.blogspot.com/

~From Paradise~ said...

Yay! I LOVE it when my friends blog too:) I put up a super follow gadget. It's starting to get real fancy in here...

Nokomis said...

you handles that much better than i do...ever...:) I will try to blog soon, but am trying to gather enough, well anything, to blog about:)

~From Paradise~ said...

i always love reading what you write Komi! it's fun seeing your inner terrain:)