January 1, 2011

Explorin' Places

Wow- so it is officially 2011.  I'm not so sad to see 2010 go buh-bye. It was a rough year... with a lot of good stuff in it too. 

We spent our last day of the year exploring some of the cute little port towns in Washington.  David and Tara rented a bigger vehicle to we were all able to go on this road trip together. 

We stopped in the little town of Port Townsend for a bigger part of our day.  Derrick and David took the kids to a place called Fort Worden- an old bunker that people can go in and explore.  Derrin took some pictures there- I'll post 'em in here when he wakes up.

Derrin's Pictures of Fort Worden

"Those who critisize our generation forget who raised it."

While the men and kids were exploring there, Tia and I wandered around the town.  We had SO much fun.. We grabbed some coffee (didn't get to bed until 2 in the morning the night before) to wake us up, and also keep our hands warm while we wandered- it was cold!  Not as cold as Montana, but still noteworthy. 

We checked out bead shops, hat stores, shoe stores, jewelry being sold down by the water (I'm still kicking myself for not buying a blue/topaz-celtic knot ring I saw).  The stores were all artsy and fun no matter what they were selling.

The men eventually picked us up, and we drove to Sequim.  If we ever decide to pack up and move, this is one place we might check out.  The town is a good size, lots of stores, and the surrounding country is beautiful.

My poor toe hurts:(  I wore heels all day yesterday for our adventure, and my big toe is throbbing from the abuse.  It started in the restaurant last night (if I could remember the name and location of that place, I'd give it a thumbs DOWN, but the company I was in was so fine that I still enjoyed myself).  I started complaining more about it on the ferry ride back to Seattle (what is the point of having a sore toe if you can't complain descriptively). 

Speaking of the ferry ride, it was escorted by the coast guard and there were bomb squad folks wandering around the deck.  At one point a calm female voice spoke over the intercom saying:"We are now being escorted by the coast guard, please don't worry, this is quite common (or something to that effect)." Isn't that what they say right before the plane starts going down, or the terrorists come rushing out with guns?  Tara and I were both mentally prepareng to un-strap the kids and jump overboard.  But the ride continued on uneventfully on to the shore, and all was well as we drove on to land.

We were pretty wiped out by the time we got home.  We attempted watching a movie (or rather, the guys did- Tia played with the kiddos for a bit, and I obsessed awhile over pictures).  Can't even remember if we stayed up passed midnight.  Somewhere in the middle of the night it occurred to me that it is 2011 now.  What a nice way to start the new year:)

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