January 4, 2011

Home Sweet Home

We made it home last night in one piece. Look Out pass looked a little glassy, but nothing unmanageable. So now, here I am… trying to work up the gumption to run. *sigh* It has been over two weeks since I turned myself over to my couch’s care as a night potato. Happily, I will start my regular work schedule today, so that means there is time in the morning for running and other “positive life strategies”. Unfortunately, I’m getting a strong “I don’t wanna” reading from my body (and my mind). PLUS, there was NO COFFEE in the cupboard this morning when we woke up. My body is thinking total revolt…

We had a beautiful last day in Seattle. Last day is always so bittersweet. Tia and I went to our favorite bead store in Bellevue. It’s been moved, and it doesn’t feel AS great as before (maybe more crowded and less selection?), but still pretty darned awesome. We managed to not spend as much there as usual (yay us!) because we’ve finally figured out that you should just buy for a couple projects, not stock up for the year, because you'll forget what in the world your plans were for all those beads after awhile anyways. We ate out at a Thai restaurant- so good. Got the red curry with coconut milk… mmm, wish I had some of that right now for breakfast.

Brood Much?

Aw, Cathy and Heathcliffy before it all goes so very wrong.
We spent the rest of the day at home, resting and lounging. Did you know that there is a new Wuthering Heights 2 part mini-series out? I didn’t (until we watched it Sunday night), and that happens to be one of my favorite stories ever (I am a sucker for a good tortured soul and Heathcliff is the BEST, most tortured-est soul ever)(With that being said, I try not to be one.  Tortured souls are kinda hard to deal with in real life). It gets two thumbs up from me.

There is so much snow here.  It may stay winter until June.  It may just stay winter forever.

Sooo, that’s about it this morning. Time to go kick some butt (my butt) and run on that blasted loved treadmill.

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