January 18, 2011

When the snow melts....

I ran outside last night.  It was the first time since the beginning of November that there hasn't been snow pack and ice all over my running road.  I have to say, it was de-light-ful.  I was thinking, yes, this is why I love to run!  The air was stimulating, the setting light was so beautiful, and feeling and seeing the progress of the run was exhilarating.  Towards the end of the run on my way back, it was totally dark.  I always look at night runners and think they must have a death wish.  Getting run over, or eaten by cougars, or being picked up by a friendly neighborhood rapist or murderer are just some of the ways things could go down while running on a secluded road at night.  Probably not my smartest move, but TOTALLY worth it.  I'll be picking up some bear spray soon though, and maybe some reflective gear just in case that time slot is ever the only one open to run again.  I'd take scary threats of running in the dark to running on the treadmill any day.

When I got back, Derrick had dinner all ready.  Love that man.  Kloe came over and gave me a kiss and then told me I smelled like Anikan (our cat), and maybe I should put some baby powder on myself like I do to him sometimes.  Haha:)  Guess I smelled like the great outdoors.  What a nice way to say "Momma, you need a shower." (By the way, I put baby powder on Anikan not because he smells bad, but because he likes to lay in my bathroom sink and glare haughtily at me as if I am invading his space.  Baby powder irritates his superior sensibilities, and it is the only petty revenge I get for how he wakes me up at 3 in the morning every single relentless night.)

The three day weekend is over.  Back to work for a bit today.  Yesterday was good though- I got everything done I wanted to (mostly).  I feel good today- all of the quiet time was so needed.  I'm grateful it came when it did. 

Tonight is guitar and drum night.  Maybe Derrick will go too so each kid will have a parent with them...

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