June 30, 2010

Mountain to Meadow, how it felt

I guess I wanted to write a little more about our run on Saturday. It was such a big build-up, and it seems like such an anti-climax to just post a couple of pictures and call it good. So, here it goes...

I was really nervous that morning, my stomach in knots, but once we started running it was just like any other running day. Actually it was better because I had Steph running with me:) There was a lot more uphill running involved than I had expected, but it didn't feel as hard as it should have. Usually I listen to music when I run, but for the first 11 miles Steph and I just talked (we were keeping a slower pace than normal for this run- on a normal run I couldn't talk and run at the same time), and it made the miles slide by fast. We had the best time talking. We talked about our family, being strong inside, death, how we hope to deal with loss and whatever life hands to us, how we want to be remembered... It was a beautiful talk. It was all of those important things that come up in my mind whenever I run (one of the reasons I find running so healthy and healing), only we were saying it all out loud.

At 11 miles we parted ways (only three miles to go!), so I did start to listen to music at that point. It was all downhill from there, and I was by myself. Those miles went by very fast too, and when I got to the last mile I could actually feel a lump in my throat and tears welling in my eyes. I didn't expect to feel so emotional about it, but that run meant a lot to me. When I got into sight of the finish line, I saw Derrick and Kloe waiting for me, cheering me on. Kloe ran that last little bit with me and crossed the line with me. It was a great moment.

Can't wait to do it again.


Hmm. It's 3:38 in the morning. Must be time to lay here and worry.
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June 28, 2010

The Holder of Who I Really Am

There are nights I wake up when I feel like I am on the cusp of a long forgotten memory. It feels bittersweet to me, like a gift that for a moment my mind almost had access to days past, but also a reminder that your days, weeks, years go by, and it is almost as if they never happened. I don't remember any of it, and most certainly no one else will remember it for me.

I understand why people feel compelled to journal their days, as a way to try to keep oneself from disappearing all together. It's also partly why big events, like marriage, the days our children are born, or being publicly recognized for one's accomplishments are such a big deal to us; those are days that are etched deeper into our minds and become gifts of memory.

Most of my biggest battles are quiet achievements no one knows about but me. They are experiences I don't care for any other humans to know about, and yet they define me with the roads taken or not taken.

I always hope I will be able to hold on to those cherished moments, because for me they are ultimate victories of either choosing not to do a tempting wrong thing, or of fighting through to do the right thing, despite a sinful inclination to do just the opposite. Those are the memories I trust Jehovah to hold for me. He knows my daily fight, and he remembers when I succeed. He is the holder of who I really am, even when I forget.

June 26, 2010

We Did It!!!

:))) We made it! It was uphill for probably 9 out of the 14 miles, but we still did it! YAY US!!!
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June 25, 2010

We got Mom in to see Dr. Dry in Plains today. Sandra took her, and he was apparantly very nice:) He scheduled her for a MRI on Tuesday if they can't fix her in on Saturday. It will be good to know what is going on. I am grateful that I am part of a big family of siblings, aunts and uncles who all care so much for Mom, and who all want to help her. The support is good for all of us:)

Tomorrow is THE big day for me. After driving the race trail with Derrick last night, I have to admit I am a little nervous. This will be no flat road race, and I have intentionally not done very many hills runs, as I find them unpleasant. I foresee some swift walking in an upward direction. It doesn't matter- I just want to have a good time:)

I'm sure I'll be taking pictures tomorrow- I will post some soon.

June 24, 2010

Lolo Pass

We were lost:). Thought this was part of the trail, but we had missed a turn.
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Top of Lolo Pass

Derrick and I decided to scope out where the 1/2 marathon will be. The firsr thing we saw was this rainbow:)
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Colon Cancer can Spread to the Pertoniteal lining of the Stomach

Mom is in the emergency room at the Clark Fork Valley hospital right now. She has horrible pain in her lower abdomen. They are running a lot of tests.

I don't want to play doctor (I wish the doctors would just try harder) but I found out (on the internet) that one of the places that colon cancer will spread to is the peritoneal lining of the stomach. Mom has every symptom linked to having cancer in that area- that was why she requested a CAT scan of her stomach in the first place.


I am crawling out of my skin. Feel so nervous today. This is the kind of day I wish I could lock myself into my room and hide. Instead I am at work, dealing with people who probably feel worse than I do.

Mom is really sick today. She has a lot of pain in her lower stomach and abdomen. I am so frustrated to be stuck in Missoula! She will not go to the doctor, and I want to march down there and make her go. Been on the phone with Renae (who is in Seattle), Danny (who is stuck at work in St. Regis), and Cookie, who went to see Mom and check on her. Everyone who has seen her agrees that she doesn't look good. I'm worried. My stomach is twisting. I should be exhausted since I didn't hardly sleep at all last night, but instead I feel wired and weepy. Must make it to 5:15....

Tomorrow I need to clean my house, call around to find a new oncologist for Mom, take all of our extra cash and give it to Discover card (gotta do that one fast, like pulling off a bandaid) and then go to work at 1:00. Steph and the kids should be at our house by the time I get off of work. I ran only about 3.5 miles today instead of the 6.2 I had planned. It would be just like me to overdue it, so I thought I should take it a little bit more easy.

And now.... 3 more hours to go and then HOME.

Magic Dirt Road

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Boots... In a field

What I do at night when I can't sleep...
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Life feels more real to me at three o'clock in the morning. Every scary possibility, every for sure eventuality looms before me. The problem with this realness is I feel like I'm without defenses. During the day, I can acknowledge the same reality, but I would tell you my plan of action too. I feel strong enough during the day. At night I feel stripped of any inner strength- I feel like cowering before future possibilities. I remember every word I said to anyone during the day, only my night memory hears my own voice in tones of desperation and attention seeking, calloused and careless. Everything has an overlay of malice.
Dang, I wish this night would just end so I could go back to being the day me.
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June 23, 2010

Running Pics-yellow flowers on the magic dirt road

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Worlds Away

Me, Myself, and I

This has been an interesting week so far. I've been kidless since Sunday afternoon and husbandless since Monday morning! The kids are having a great time in Thompson Falls. Kloe is staying with Stephanie and Aiyana, and Derrin is staying with Heidi and Colton. Steph signed both the kids up for swimming lessons, and they are LOVING it. Swimming lessons last for two weeks, so it looks like the kids will be back down there next week too (which I am sure breaks their hearts).

So, what have I been doing in the meantime? Weeelll, Monday was a weird mood day for me. I had a crazy downward swing that sort of hit me unexpectedly in the morning, and it lingered for about half the day. I was actually glad that my family wasn't around to have to deal with me. If I were to have a mood chart with crazy low at a 1 and crazy high at a 10, I would give that morning a 2. I managed to calm myself to go to work by 11, and being at work seemed to help. When I got home I worked on an art project for awhile (computer art with photos) which was very soothing, and then I forced myself to go on my 6.2 mile run. I ended up walking the final mile, but I felt WAY better at that point. Then I went to Finnegans (I was very amused with my choice of restaurant) to eat and use their WI-FI. The day ended on a good note.

Yesterday I had the day off to go to Mom's doctor appointment. We were worried about her stomach because she has been having a lot of pain, and we were getting results from a CAT scan she had received the week before. The scan didn't show anything going on in her stomach (cancer wise), but it did show a spot on her liver that wasn't there before. The report said that it was suspicious of cancer, but maybe it could just be a hematoma. The doctor said it was pointless to test it since operating wouldn't really be an option anyway since she has several tumors in her lungs. I can tell she is starting to feel scared now. I'm scared too, but it's like the feelings and thoughts that go along with my mom's sickness are blocked. I don't think I could function on a daily basis if I had to deal with those feelings. I pray a lot about it, for strength. Running helps a lot. We are trying to spend more time down in Plains and Thompson Falls too. All of the yard work is helping too:)

I did a lot of yard work after I left Mom and Dad. I lined the little pond in front of our house with new plastic, put rocks in, and filled it with water finally. It is a muddy pond, but I have given up on perfection out there a long time ago. I did a ton of weeding out there this morning, and hopefully Derrick will hook up my new little fishy spout to the water pump when he gets home. All that will be left after that is to get a couple new little goldfish to start their own little game of who will survive Rachel's pond this year:)

After all that yard work, I got all dolled up and went into town to eat with Shannon, and then we went to the Jewel concert. My honest feelings about Jewel are 1) She is a brilliant song writer. 2) She is a very funny performer and very good with interacting with the audience. 3) When she gets too dramatic in her Jewel fashion it actually makes me happy because it reminds me of the same slightly irritated feelings I had with that as a kid. She brings me right back to being sixteen again:) Anyways, I had a good night with Shannon.

And that brings me up to today. I ran my 6.2 this morning. That brings me to 12.4. Gonna run tomorrow (will be at 18.6), take Friday off and the Saturday is THE DAY. I am looking forward to it!!! BRING IT!!! Derrick will be home by the time I get off work and I am glad of it. Although I have enjoyed the last three days of me time, I wouldn't want it to always be just me. Waking up next to someone I love and hearing the voices of two more of my little loves in the living room is how I want my life to be.

swim lessons

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June 21, 2010



Your mileage should gradually increase each week. As a general rule, total weekly mileage should not increase by more than 10% from week-to-week. Completing a run of 10-12 miles about three weeks before the race will be enough to prepare you for the finish. You should then taper off in the final weeks leading up to the half marathon to allow your body to recover from training and so you will be strong on the big day.

Following is a recommended beginner half marathon training schedule. This schedule assumes you have been running for at least four weeks and can run 30 minutes without stopping before beginning the schedule.

10-Week Half Marathon Training Schedule Week Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Total
1 3 Rest 3 3 Rest 4 Rest 13
2 3 Rest 4 3 Rest 5 Rest 15
3 3 Rest 4 3 Rest 6 Rest 16
4 3 Rest 5 3 Rest 8 Rest 19
5 3 Rest 5 3 Rest 10 Rest 21
6 4 Rest 5 4 Rest 11 Rest 24
7 4 Rest 6 4 Rest 12 Rest 26
8 4 Rest 5 4 Rest 9 Rest 22
9 3 Rest 4 3 Rest 8 Rest 18
10 3 Rest 3 Walk 2 Rest 13.1 Rest 21.1

SO, apparently I was supposed to taper off the last couple weeks anyways. Everything should be okay...

Running- Final week before 1/2 marathon

Last week I ran a total of 14 miles- 11 below my weekly goal. The 1/2 marathon is next Saturday. I am wondering (since I have NO KIDS *!* for the next week!) if I should hit it hard and run 6 miles M,T,W,Th to make up for the wimpy week I had last week? Or do I take it a little easier this week to conserve energy for the marathon? Must do research... AND be prepared to run in the rain today!!! I will not be a wimp!!!

Asking for Help is Really Hard

“You create your opportunities by asking for them.”
Shakti Gawain

“The strong individual is the one who asks for help when he needs it. Whether he has an abscess on his knee or in his soul.” Rona Barrett

We should be careful to get out of an experience only the wisdom that is in it – and stay there, lest we be like the cat that sits down on a hot stove lid. She will never sit down on a hot stove lid again… but also, she will never sit down on a cold one any more.
–Mark Twain

Asking for help does not mean that we are weak or incompetent. It usually indicates an advanced level of honesty and intelligence.
- Anne Wilson Schaef

How could you possibly run a cool family, team or organization without asking for help? In fact, how could you run a cool person, YOU, without asking for help?

I'd say one of the hardest things about being a parent is you CAN NOT do it by yourself. Even in a dual parented family, outside help is going to be almost certainly needed. So, in the typical way of child-rearing, I have had to stretch and grow. This has required learning to suck it up, and ask for help. Especially because I work (Only part-time! What about the single moms who work full time?!? My mind boggles.) I have to ask people to help me with my kids. Even though I have people in my life who are more than happy to help, I still find myself cringing when I have to ask. All of the same feelings I've always had when asking for help come creeping up. I'm asking too much, I'm irresponsible, I'm inconsiderate of other people's time or resources... Gack.

I must remember: Asking for help is not a bad thing. I would say that to ANY of my friends or family if they asked me for help. It requires humility- and maybe that is part of the puzzle, I need more of that humility stuff. It requires faith in people too- just because someone can't help me this time, doesn't mean they don't want to or won't try to at a later time. Just because one person said no, it doesn't mean the next person won't say yes.

I am discovering that asking for help is the only way I'm going to navigate this life. Especially since my children's happiness is involved do I have to make this leap. I can not be the kid starving in college because I'm too prideful to ask my folks for money (thank goodness my sis would slip me some cash). No longer can I afford to fight weaknesses without grabbing a helping hand.

Life is so REAL when you have kids! It isn't just me that hurts when I don't get help. And that's the bottom line.

June 17, 2010

The Running Blues

Normally by this time in the week I would have ran 18 miles. This week I am at 5. The problem is that I am spoiled. Now that I know how great it is to run outside, it is really hard to plug away on a treadmill while watching the same movies/ series that I've already seen. This is going to be an issue for the rest of the summer, because now that the kids aren't in school, I no longer have the luxury of running in the mornings. My wings have been clipped. I feel it dramatically already- I'm tired, grumpy and feeling depressed- all of the symptoms that I run to keep on top of. It's crazy how fast I fall apart when don't run. *SIGH* I'm either gonna have to suck it up and make myself run on the treadmill, or I'm going to have to start running at night when Derrick gets home from work. That bums me out, because night is OUR time, but it is very important to me that I continue to love
running- how I feel dramatically effects our relationship, more than the hour and a half away from him every night would. I can not stop running. The stakes are too high for me.

June 15, 2010

Summer Vacation has Officially Begun

I am working SO hard to be a punctual person. I don't know WHY being on time has always been an issue for me, but I can go back to childhood and remember being late to everything. I have no concept of time. BUT, just because it has always been a problem, it doesn't mean it will ALWAYS have to be a problem, right? Right.

I left a full half-hour early this morning to get to work on time. I still had to drive the kids to Gramma's first, but I should have had no problem rolling in a couple minutes early. Instead I managed to get there by the skin of my teeth. WHY?

Sometimes it feels like I'm in my own personal Truman Show life. As soon as I dropped off the kids, it felt like the creators of my personal show were trying to keep me in my old role. All of a sudden there was road construction where there had never been road construction before, huge trucks that couldn't go over 15 miles and hour, all red lights, and I kid you not, a TRAFFIC JAM in the middle of a residential area that normally has nothing there but old ladies walking their dogs and people riding their bikes. It was the weirdest thing! And I was in the middle of it, unable to go forward or backward, trying to breath deeply and think calm thoughts. Despite all obstacles, I made it exactly on time:)

Besides my drama of untimeliness, we have been working in the yard a lot lately. We are almost done with all of the projects we deemed necessary to make it pretty again. We stained the fence and the lattice around the back porch, I planted more vines to creep up the lattice, we put in a new flower garden where the hot tub used to be, we planted a crab apple tree, I bought a planter for the pond and a new little fishy spout for it as well, and I bought a giant planter and a pump and some water plants to add a water element to the back porch. My little vege garden is also all planted, although I wouldn't say it is thriving. Both Derrick and Derrin were giving me a hard time about my black thumb yesterday. It doesn't seem like it should be so hard to make things grow, but my plants generally look beragled and suffering, like they wish they could be growing anywhere else but in my yard. My gardening self-esteem is low, but my hopes are still high that this might be the year I figure it out. Perhaps this year my thumb is actually dark green instead of black. Anyways, I have to say that I am finding my yard a very pleasant place to wander about in, postage stamp size though it may be.

Different topic- back to the eternal subject of running. The kids are out of school now, so my long runs down the magic dirt road are probably not going to be as frequent as before. Back to the tread mill for me. I did my first 5 miles of the summer vacation treadmill style this morning. Started watching "Lost" again- hopefully it will get me through at least a month or so of inside running. Since it is my second time though the series, I know which parts to fast forward through (Derrin is freaked out by the show, but somehow can't stop watching it), and what parts to tell him exactly whats going on to take the mystery out of it, and thereby make it unscary. I need a new series REALLY bad- something that would be okay for kids to watch too.

And... well, that's about it for the moment!

June 11, 2010

Bumper Stickers

Especially in Missoula, you will find that a lot of people make statements with the bumper stickers they choose to put on the back of their cars. Usually if you follow closely enough, you will know whether the person is Republican (and bitter, with anti-Obama stickers), or liberal. You will know whether they are a cat or dog lover. NRA supporters. Pro-lifers. Man Haters. Hawaii lovers. Honor roll kid parents. Jesus lovers who like to prove it with a bumper sticker. Little stickers of stick figures representing each member of the family. Calvin peeing on random things. People who know that well behaved women rarely make history. LOTS of cars with little pink and yellow ribbon stickers, supporting their causes.

Every day, I manage to peel out from my house exactly 15 minutes before my shift starts at work. Why not 20 or 25 minutes? Because I am a very busy lady, that's why! Trust me, I have good reasons! SO, I have 15 minutes to make it to work which is PERFECT as long as I hit all green lights (there are five lights between my house and work- even if I hit three greens, I am still doing good), and I can go the speed limit.

Some days I get behind people who actually seem to want to make it through the green lights. Some people even seem to care enough to speed up so that one or two cars behind them can make it too. But then there are the OTHER drivers, the ones who drive as if it would be impolite to try to push their way through the green lights. It's like they think they are being greedy to want to make it through their journey without pausing. Some people actually slow down BEFORE the light turns yellow, as if they feel bad for rushing the lights. They drive with a great big "Please pardon me, and everyone I have trapped behind me. Of course, please DO go first. We don't mind stopping at ALL. It's not like ANY of us have anywhere we are in a HUGE hurry to get to!"

While fuming about the drivers in front of me, I read their bumper stickers, because I'd say roughly 80 percent of these slow drivers are also into preaching the way they see the world to everyone behind them. It's like a big game of follow the leader, and when it's THEIR turn to be the leader, you'll have the pleasure of driving a polite ten miles under the speed limit (as EVERYONE should be doing! Safety first guys!), and any driver behind them who dares to drive too close in a threatening manner (that would be me) will get to be indoctrinated into the proper view of the world (theirs).

I'd like to take this opportunity to tell the bumper-sticker-lovin'-slow-drivers a thing or two. Let's see... thanks for helping accentuate my propensity for being late. Just know that you only made me stronger. Every time I have resisted the urge to ram into you from behind, I have flexed a muscle of self-restraint. You should be glad that I am such a well behaved woman, because I have wanted to make history by shoving you off of the road into the green light pole that you are gently encouraging to turn red before we make it through. And I hate your dog/cat/honor roll student. I also think Calvin peeing on things is degrading to such an awesome comic strip, and you should be smacked for having bought that particular sticker. Hawaii lovers, I also love Hawaii, and I think you should MOVE there- ALL the islands drive as slow as you do: they are YOUR PEOPLE! Please move there, where people won't want to ram you from behind with their Wranglers/Mustangs. And to all other causes you slow drivers are promoting from the back of your cars... you have a new nemesis to your cause. Just hope you are Batman in slow motion.

June 10, 2010


Derrick finally got home at around 11:00 last night and then was out the doors this morning right after the kids left for school. He looked tired. He said he has a full month of work ahead of him (he has a small electrical contracting business)and although this morning that caused a sympathy pain for him, mostly I was doing cartwheels inside. More work means more money. Money? Bah, I HATE the stuff. But I can't afford to be a money hating hippie, fighting the man, when we have two kids, bills, and a mortgage to be paid every month. If I had my choice, we would sell all of our stuff, buy a camper and go live by the river. Several rivers actually- we would just move from river to river like modern day gypsies. I could make jewelery and paintings to sell on the side of the road. Sounds like the life to me!!!

After work today includes: a fun filled trip to the bank, a joyous voyage to the power company to keep us in the grid, a galloping good time down the aisles of the grocery store, and last but not least, a special moment at the post office where I get to mail all of our money off to various bills. It is SO GOOD to be a grown up!

June 9, 2010


I remember one time about seven years ago when we lived at our last place, we had a major infestation of dandelions. There was no helping it- the neighbors all around us used dandelions as ground cover more than grass. We were too poor to have anyone come out to spray the lawn, but all of those dandelions drove me crazy, so I went out there with a shovel one day and spent the whole day digging up dandelions. I had two full garbage bags at the end of the day. I was exhausted, but my yard looked awesome. For about two weeks it looked awesome, until all the little seeds I couldn't see took root and started to grow. It took about a month to look like I had never spent the entire day picking at those weeds.
Such is life I guess. I have so many weeds inside myself. I feel like I spend so much time trying to yank them out of my heart yet have so little time actually free of them.
Did you know there are some people who used dandelions as food and medicine? I've realized there are people out there who like my inner dandelions . It's like the more infested I am with weeds, the more I need them to tell me that some people think dandelions are pretty (some people crave that dependent neediness- it's food to their ego). The worse my weed problem, the better they can feel about their less infested selfs (medicine to their own lack of self-esteem). Worse, some people seem to help propagate my inner weeds- it's like they subtly feed the dandelions to maturity and then blow on them gently to spread the seeds further throughout my heart. I've even met people who would love it if I only had weeds- they are the dandelion eaters, encouraging the weeds and then eating me alive... I guess I've decided that I can't have anyone who even gently encourages my weeds. Dandelions are already so hard to control.
And, in the end, I just can't be one of the neighbors who just accepts dandelions because I can't afford to protect the grass. My grass is worth fighting for, even if it's back breaking labor for two giant bags of dandelions every two weeks.

Emotional Whiplash

I was seriously down on Tuesday. Just one of those crappy days where EVERYTHING I touched seemed to turn to dust instantly. Made both my kids cry. Had crazy people getting frustrated with me at work. My husband had to leave town for work (that one wasn't my fault, but I was still sad about it). Wednesday I decided to stay home from work and try to gather myself. Went running- not a great run, but I struggled through the 6.2 miles and was happy to have done it. Folded PILES of laundry and got them all put away. Took the kids into town after school to have dinner with Renae and my parents. Bought some more flowers and plants and made my front porch pretty. Bought the first season of Glee's soundtrack (I am SUCH a geek). Turned out it was a great day. Today I woke up in a fantastic mood. Derrick is coming home tonight. I ran the 6.2 miles with NO BREAKS!!! Holy cow, I was impressed with myself- although I did decide in the end that if I plan on texting anyone a walk break is a MUST. Came way to close to running into a fence post. I did have an epiphany (Running makes me as philosophical as I was when I used to drink. Must be the endorphins kicking in.) It happened when I almost ran into the post because I was running while texting. Made me think about my approach to life- how I sweat the small stuff. I micro-analyze EVERYTHING- hold it up as close as I can until I'm nearly cross-eyed and dizzy. Makes me run into emotional posts, and then I fall down stunned. You can not text and run very well at the same time because : a) You are bouncing up and down so it is really hard to see anything up close anyways. b) You also can't see anything far away because you are looking at the darned phone.
My life is not going to slow down anytime soon. There is too much going on all of the time to sit down and micro-analyze every little thing. It only makes for a crash and burn for me. Since my life is going to be in motion, I gotta just put the phone down, keep my eyes on the road and quit worrying about things that don't matter. One fact you should know about me: I look ridiculous when I run. My arms have a rhythm of their own- they swing independent from my legs. I've seen pictures and video: it is a sight to behold. Despite this, I still go. I don't care WHAT I look like while I'm running, because the benefits to me are worth it! I feel awesome, strong, sexy.... well, I feel a lot of really great things while I am running. I want my life to be like THAT. I want to say what I want to say and just be able to trust myself that my intentions are good, so let the words fall where they may, whether I look crazy while saying it or not. If something is funny to me, I want to be able to say it and feel awesome, strong, sexy.... and all of those other adjectives, just because it is HEALTHY to just be who I am without picking it apart, hiding, or worst of all just shutting down!
Anyways, guess that is it for today:)

June 7, 2010

My Life in a Nut Shell

Okay, this is a typical day for me: I get up at 7:30 to wake the kids up for school. After getting them ready, feeding them breakfast and sending them out the door, I have about a half hour to have coffee and my own breakfast. Then I clean up the kitchen and get ready to go for a run (at least four days a week I do- usually not Thursdays though). Right now I am at 6 miles a day- I'm training for a half-marathon that happens at the end of the month and I am a little worried that I may not have been training hard enough. I was up to 9 miles on my long day, but life has been a little crazy the last couple months and 9 was the farthest I have attempted.... but I digress. After my run, I usually have about 45 minutes to shower, get ready and drive to work. I struggle with being on time!!! I HATE being late, but it is SO hard not to with everything I try to jam into the morning. I get out of work at 3 most days, drive home and meet the kids just as they are getting off the bus. Then I try to do some house cleaning and laundry type business until it's time to make dinner around five. Usually dinner is all wrapped up around 5:30 or 6, I do dishes, and I guess that would be the time I should do some writing, working on pictures, painting, studying... constructive business. Which is all fine and dandy unless Derrick is home, and then what usually happens is we make some tea and snuggle up on the couch until it's time to put the kids to bed at 8. After they are tucked in, we snuggle down into the couch again until around 10, and then it's lights out... Yep, that pretty much covers all the days except for Thursday, which is a no-run and meeting at the kingdom hall day. And Wednesday night is family worship night...
I guess I want to start writing more because I feel like I'm starting to miss a lot of the details in the routine of life. I want to start soaking up the little moments again, and being able to recognise a funny moment when it happens. Writing helps in this, because everything becomes a story in the making. So I guess that is the mission of this blog. Here we go...

The Perfect Moment?

So, I keep thinking that I will have an actual couple minutes to "legally" start writing a blog- as in, this five minutes really belongs to me to do whatever I really want to do with it... Doesn't really happen that much any more. My days usually follow this pattern:
*This Blog has been interrupted... and therefore delayed. I'll get back to it tomorrow?*