January 5, 2011

Fun Surprise

Yesterday when I got home from work there was an unexpected fed-ex package waiting for me. I LOVE unexpected packages!!!! They are one of my favorite things to come home to.

It was from an artist friend who also happened to be an old neighbor of mine, clear back in the first place Derrick and I ever called a home. Rogene and her hubby Mike were so great to live next to. It was a time in life when I don’t think I appreciated the sweetness; it was just a slower time when neighbors could sit out in the grass under a tree and visit.

She is a great portrait artist- the kind that will draw out a picture of a stranger on a napkin as he drinks coffee in a restaurant- and then give it to him as a gift.

She had me come over one day and worked on a portrait for about 20 minutes for practice as we visited. We moved soon after, our lives became more busy, and here we are, seven years later.

What a cool surprise to get it in the mail! She did such a great job, and it is especially special to me because of who the artist is.

So… would it be vain to hang it in the living room? Maybe it’s more of a bedroom picture?

Portrait by Rogene McCormick 2002

Picture of myself around that same time period


Renae said...

What a thoughtful gift! That Rogene is definitely a sweetie. What rare talent she has. I think you should hang it in your living room where everybody can see it. I remember that pic..isn't it from the day you found out the baby was a Kloe girl?

~From Paradise~ said...

It was! Definitely one of my happy-EST days eeeever. Mom and you and Cameron are in another of the photos taken that day (couldn't find it this morning- it's tucked away in one of my photo albums). I remember going to that appointment with you guys (and Derrick and Sabrina) convinced it was a boy and crying my eyes out when it was a girl- we were gonna have one of each:)
When I got back home I went over to Rogene's for a bit- probably to tell her our news. That must've been when she drew it.