December 22, 2010

Causing a Ruckus

I’ve already prevented a murder from happening this morning. Pretty impressive, huh?

Very nearly had a heart attack myself though. I was working on Kloe’s hair this morning, trying to get her ready in time so they could make the bus, when Derrin started screaming in horror. Not just one scream, but a constant, high-pitch shriek. I immediately started chanting “What? What? What Derrin? What?”, because I’m really good in situations like this. Following his eyes, I spotted a wiggling orange thing on the carpet. Derrin had fed Jasper (his little snake) his once a week pinkie mouse this morning, and apparently the lid to the snake cage had not been put all the way back on. Anikan, being an opportunist, decided that this was his chance to grab that tempting little morsel he’s had his eye on for the last couple of months. Fortunately for Jasper (and Derrin), Anikan is also a bit of a coward (the force is NOT strong with that one), so he only managed to grab him by the tail and drag him as far as the living room, where he promptly dropped him and fled.

Jasper is fine. Agitated, yes. Loathing to be touched by any warm-blooded things, yes. I had to scrape him into his little feeder cage to carry him back to his regular cage, because he wouldn’t have minded biting me in lieu of Anikan. He didn’t look any worse for wear though. After I had him safely back in his cage, I went back into the living room and could hear Derrin hunting after Anikan, out for his blood and revenge. This was the murder I prevented. Anikan is a cat. You can’t get too mad at a cat for being a cat, especially when one does it as poorly as Anikan does.

Derrin left for the bus, a bit shaken up and hating his cat, but fine. Jasper is in his cage, bristling with rage, but fine. Last I saw Anikan, he was in my bathroom sink, looking very put out and disgusted with the human race, but that’s pretty much what he looks like all of the time.

One tragedy averted for the day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I`m still mad anikan