December 9, 2010

Of Icy Roads and Dragons

It is cold and icy out there this morning! Cars were sliding off of their driveways, and the rest of us still on the road were scooting along cautiously. I sort of enjoy icy roads- any late arriving on my part can by due to "good winter driving" instead of "no concept of time" (in my own defense, I DID leave in plenty of time this morning- it actually WAS good winter driving! Yay me!!).
It was fun watching the kids teeter out of down our entrance way to the sidewalk on their way to the bus. Kloe had it down pretty good, not too much sliding and big careful steps. Derrin fell on his behind immediately and scooted/rolled 'til he got to the road. Maybe some sand or salt would be a good idea...

I hope the roads are better tomorrow!!! We have some driving to do and places to go!
"Snow accumulations could reach 10 inches by late Friday, with up to 15 inches over the mountain passes and higher terrain.  A winter storm warning means significant amounts of snow, blowing snow or ice accumulations are expected. Strong winds are also possible.  Travel will be hazardous or impossible, the Weather Service says, so prepare accordingly."- So says the Missoulian... but they've been wrong before.

I am tired this morning. Kloe had a long night, and therefore so did I. She came into my room after a bad dream and laid down with me for awhile. I had her go back to her room eventually, but after about ten minutes I heard her crying so I went in there and laid down with her for awhile. She was glassy eyed and sounded stuffed up and her teeth were hurting and she kept talking about a nightmare of a dragon (it's always dragons and dinosaurs in her nightmares). It was literally an hour of this- usually I can talk her through bad dreams; they can't hurt you, have you tried praying... you know, regular nightmare talk therapy. Normally she snuggles up and is fine, but last night she was frozen in some unhappy place. I finally gave her some tylenol to help with her teeth, and then some of the ignatia that I bought for myself the other day.  It was the most awesome thing!  She was asleep within minutes of giving her the ignatia.  I sat there stroking her forehead and could see the tension in her face just go away.  Good stuff!  She woke up in a pretty good mood this morning considering the rough night that she'd had.  I do feel bad about her teeth hurting.  I think she must have a lot of her permanent teeth pushing up.  It hurts to be a growing kid!  I remember my teeth hurting, my legs hurting, and now both of the kids are going through it.  Poor bebes.

SO, back to tomorrow... I get off of work early today, have to go to the bank get a living will notarized.  After all of the craziness this year, it seems like a good time to get things arranged( like real grown ups) i.e. doing wills, getting better health and life insurance...  Boy, will we feel safe to have all of our affairs in order:/

And then back to home to finish Derricks anniversary present (hehe), clean the house and start to pack:)

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