December 17, 2010

Hold the Nuts Please

We are going to be heading to Plains tonight after work.  Sooo much to do first, but this is sacred coffee, Friends, and blogging time, so here I sit.  Somehow the house fell apart around my head this week.  I still haven't unpacked from our skiing trip last weekend.  Another constant in life; packing (and unpacking) for travel. 

Yesterday was an interesting day at work.  You ever read that book "The Secret"?  Or "Think and Grow Rich"?  One of the main ideas in those books is that thoughts are powerful, and everything you draw to yourself is from your thoughts.   I think I've been drawing in NUTS with my thoughts this week.  Seriously!  A guy called me up yesterday (anonymously, of course), freaked out on me, and then he called the state capital and complained to them there that I was RUDE! Wow, what a honor!  I even called him "Sir" in a completely not-mocking him sort of way!  Another guy launched into a twenty minute rant while waiting for an appointment- seriously the kind of fellow you expect to come back with a weapon.  Another guy ranting about wicked republicans trying to take everything from him and his dying wife....  Today I'm thinking of rainbows and ponies- see what that brings into the office.

Derrin had a talk last night at meeting.  He did so good- I am always so proud of him with how hard he works at his reading:)  He is thinking he wants to move it up to the next level and try for a #3 talk next time.  I think he is more than ready- plus Derrick and I can help him.

Okay... off to do some running, some cleaning, some laundry, some working (rainbows and ponies, rainbows and ponies), some packing, and some going to Dad's.

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