December 15, 2010

Back to the Good

Okay… enough of that negative thinking. Sitting here listening to some music (Hallelujah by Jeff Buckley- the best version of all), sipping on my coffee… writing instead of watching my morning Friends. I need to run this morning. It’s all snowy, slushy and not shoveled out there- guess it’s the treadmill for me (We’ll make up and be friends again today. We can’t stay mad at each other forever). Then off to work… it’s just a sliver of the day, but lately it’s harder to go there. Everyone who calls in is in such a bad mood- lots of stress in the world these days, and we hear all about it from person after person after person there… hearing about that part of the human condition day after day can either turn up your compassion and your appreciation for your own life, or it can start to make your heart hard and make you feel like hitting your head against the nearest hard surface repeatedly. I need to return to the compassion and appreciation stuff- this negative thinking helps no one, least of all myself. The same goes for running on that blasted treadmill-it’s not ideal, but it is what I need to do for myself-so I gots to quit complaining.

We are planning on going to Plains this weekend. I haven’t been there since my mom’s funeral. It will be nice to see Dad. It will be hard going through her things… but Renae and Steph will be there too; we can do it together. I wish Mom would have been a journal keeper, so we could have a piece of her still with us.

I’m going to be working longer hours in the next couple of weeks, but they are just two four day work weeks, so it will be alright. We are going to Lost Trail the weekend of the 25th with Steve and Sabrina and all the kiddies for some skiing. Going to stay in a cabin together up there- it will be fun for the kids to get to (continue) to learn together, and between all of the adults we should be able to get some real skiing in too.

Anyways, time to get back on the happy wagon. Run. Green drinks. Vitamins. Good thoughts. Fighting to feel good is worth it- so much better than the alternative.

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