December 21, 2010


I didn’t run today. I even went through all of the effort to go to Hastings and pick up some movies to run to. By the time I got home, made dinner and put the kiddies to bed I was too wiped out to run. It created a nice guilty pleasure to watch the movie while vegetating, so the idea of running was not a total waste.

I could not hack working full time. I mean, if I had to do it, I would. But I would not love it- it would be hard to take care of other important things (I didn't get to take the kids to guitar/drum lessons tonight either:'( )in my life. I can imagine what I look like to my friends who work full time as I go off on my shpills about the wonder of running, and all of it's benefits (like not being medicated to survive this thing called life). The only reason I have energy to run or any other self-care activity, is because I don’t get up at the crack of dawn every day with this crazy agenda pushing me out of the door for the next eight hours to work, and then to still do the mundane stuff I wrestle with doing everyday anyways- grocery shopping, cleaning stuff, laundry… Who in the world would feel like running after a day like that? Not that it couldn’t be done, but I’d have to toughen up considerably (not gonna happen this little full-time work stretch my friends). I am making a commitment to my couch this week that I shall love it more than my treadmill. HA! As if it didn't already know I love it best.

So tired. I think I’ll drag myself to bed now.

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