December 7, 2010

Stuff and Junk

Our 11 year anniversary is this weekend! Yay us!  This is one of my most favorite times of the year, because we always try to get away to do something fun.  Last year, Derrick surprised me with a trip to Maui for our 10th- it was such a sweet get-away for us.  We'd never been on a major trip anywhere with just the two of us (that's what'll happen when you do the whole getting pregnant three months after getting married-even now we have two little voices huffing around when we take off for our just mom and dad time which only happens a couple times a year).  No Hawaii this year, but we are going to go to Whitefish for four days to do some skiing, and whatever else we feel like doing.  I'm going to bring my painting stuff and try to finish one of the projects that's been staring me down for a year, or at least chip away at it a little bit... maybe bring a good book to hunker down with (not too long though- my getting too deep into a book brings out Derrick's inner cat like qualities in which he wants to snatch said book out of my hand and rip it to shreds to bring me back to reality with him).  Either way, it'll be four days of peace and quiet, and I can not wait.

I'm contemplating running this morning.  I really should.  It is 22.5 degrees outside.  When I ran out there on Sunday, it was around 25 degrees and it was actually pretty bearable (bareable?  I'll use "bearable" because only a bear should have to live in conditions like this, because he's the only one that gets to hibernate).  I had to coat my face with vaseline-like sunscreen to keep my face from turning purple from the cold air (SUCH a pretty look), but it was still okay out there.  Yesterday it was only 15 degrees and I refused to even attempt it- I ran three miles on the treadmill instead.  SOOOO hard to treadmill it after being a free-range runner outside.  I promised myself I wouldn't make myself do more than two or three miles at a time on that thing.  Anyways, not sure about my commitment to get out there and run today.  We shall see.

Bought a bunch of vitamins yesterday- a good multi and some iron (to help with being so stinkin' COLD after every run, no matter what the weather is) that isn't supposed to make me get sick, and some 5-HTP that is good for preserving sanity during winter months. Also bought a homeopathic remedy called Ignatia that is supposed to help get through emotional trauma.  A lot of my family is using it with good results, wanted to try it myself.Click here to see what ignatia does.

Heather and her kiddies came over last night.  She brought some snowman cupcakes for the kids that were almost too cute to eat:) It was so great to spend time with my friend.  Must do more of that!!!!

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