December 19, 2010

One Room

This was a hard weekend. I'm borderline between being glad that we went ahead and attempted it (and succeeded with at least their bedroom), and thinking we did it too soon for our own good. My body feels like it weighs a million pounds. It wants to crawl into bed and sleep for the next six months.

I just unpacked everything- didn't want to start off this week with unpacked bags everywhere again. I didn't really bring home a lot of things from Mom's, but the things I did bring are all special. One of the most special things is an old jewelry box that she always had on her dresser when I was a kid. Wish I knew the story behind it- it's been old and tattered looking as long as I can remember. It used to be a music box at some point, but it's broke. If you turn the mechanism in back manually you get a haunted version of "Memories". I used to spend a lot of time on Mom's bed searching through the treasures she had in there- all old vintage 50's stuff, some false teeth that belonged to her grandpa, old watches, and old pictures tucked behind a little mirror on the inside of the lid of her four older kids, her sisters and my Dad. I didn't keep the teeth in there (although I sort of regret it now- they were really fascinating as kid), but there is a small selection of necklaces, rings and earrings in there that I will always remember her wearing. There is a Black Hills Ring in there that she wore the whole time I was growing up... reminds me of my mom in the 90's.

For clothes, I brought home a lot of socks (mostly just being practical there- I hate having cold feet as much as she did), a soft fuzzy warm robe, and some scarves that smell like her. I have her patchouli perfume and oil too, but it may be awhile before I will be able to wear those.

I don't think we will be doing anymore of this until next spring. I do want to try to get down to Dad's more though- it was very comforting to see him, Renae, Steph, Cookie and Nancy- we need each other. It was good for Aiyana and Kloe and Derrin to play together. We need to start making new memories there. It was also really great to see my friends at the meeting in Thompson Falls. Now for some sleep- unfortunately not the six months I'd like, but at least eight hours before getting up and starting another work week.

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